
Wednesday Nov 18, 2015
Wednesday Nov 18, 2015
Aired Wednesday, 18 November 2015, 3:00 PM ET
Join us this Wednesday at 3pm EST /12pm PST on INSPIRED LIVING on OM Times Radio: http://omtimes.com/iom/shows/inspired-living/ as we welcome famous author (one of my favorite reference books ‘Animal Spirit Guides’), DR. STEVEN FARMER. This is going to be a great show!!!
About the Guest Dr. Steven Farmer
DR. STEVEN FARMER is a world-renowned author, teacher, shamanic practitioner, and Soul Healer. He has published several best-selling books and other products, including Earth Magic®, Earth Magic® Oracle Cards, Animal Spirit Guides, Sacred Ceremony, Power Animal Oracle Cards, Messages from Your Animal Spirit Guides Oracle Cards, Power Animals, Messages from Your Animal Spirit Guides guided meditation CD, Children’s Spirit Animal Cards), the recently released Children’s Spirit Animal Stories CD’s Vol. 1 & 2, the Pocket Guide to Spirit Animals and the recently released, Healing Ancestral Karma: Free Yourself from Unhealthy Family Patterns.
In addition Dr. Farmer is a licensed psychotherapist, former college professor, Reiki Master, and an ordained minister in the Circle of Sacred Earth Church. He brings a wealth of skills and experience to his writing, teaching, and spiritual healing, offering clients a unique and powerful synthesis of his many years of experience as a spiritual psychotherapist, shamanic practitioner, and hypnotherapist to afford quick and effective results.

Wednesday Nov 11, 2015
Animal Intuitive – Darcy Pariso
Wednesday Nov 11, 2015
Wednesday Nov 11, 2015
Aired Wednesday, 11 November 2015, 3:00 PM ET
Join us Wednesday at 3pm EST /12pm PST on INSPIRED LIVING on OM Times Radio: http://omtimes.com/iom/shows/inspired-living/ as we welcome special guest, DARCY PARISO – ANIMAL INTUITIVE: http://www.darcypariso.com/
Darcy Pariso is an Animal Intuitive, Medium, and Reiki Master. She can answer your questions, assist in better understanding your animals, and deepen your relationship. She can also connect with loved ones in Spirit, human or animal. Darcy combines Reiki’s healing energy with her readings to help you feel more confident and supported. She works with angels and ascended masters and channels Archangel Gabriel and St. Francis. Darcy is a monthly columnist for New Spirit Journal. She is a regular guest and the Animal Intuitive for Martha Norwalk’s Animal World on Sunday’s on KKNW 1150 A.M in Seattle, Washington.

Wednesday Nov 04, 2015
Angel Messages: Manifestation and Achieving Personal Goals Part 2
Wednesday Nov 04, 2015
Wednesday Nov 04, 2015
Aired Wednesday, 4 November 2015, 3:00 PM ET
Join us next Wednesday at 3pm EST /12pm PST on INSPIRED LIVING on OM Times Radio: http://omtimes.com/iom/shows/inspired-living/ as we welcome special guest, Psychic-Medium and Spiritual Healer, Rev. Shamalah-Allah.
About the Guest Rev. Shamalah-Allah
Shamalah-Allah is an ordained minister from the Universal Life Church located in Modesto, CA and works as a full-time Ministerial Counselor, Professional Psychic-Medium and Healer. She receives and delivers messages from Angels, Ancestor Spirits, Spirit Guides, Nature Spirits, Deceased Relatives and more… This is effective with issues involving romance, finances, health, internal spiritual growth and family relations. Other specialized skills include dream interpretation, future forecasting, past-life readings, energy healings, karmic readings, medical intuitive readings, animal communication, exorcisms and house blessings. Currently Rev. Shamalah-Allah lives in the San Francisco Bay Area and offers services at her San Mateo, Ca. office as well as answering people’s questions from around the world via phone, e-mail and Skype.
Google+: Rev. Shamalah-Allah
Email: shamalahallah@gmail.com;
Phone Number: 650-719-0097
Website: shamalah.com
“You are the Inspired, and the Inspiration!” ~Inspired Living
Post your questions on the INSPIRED LIVING FACEBOOK OR TWITTER accounts, and we will bring them live to air! This is a great way to interact with the LIVE show and ask your questions of our celebrity guests!
Facebook Group Page – INSPIRED LIVING RADIO: https://www.facebook.com/groups/953052554715269/
Twitter Page or Follow us @Inspired4Us: INSPIRED LIVING! https://twitter.com/Inspired4Us
Google+ Communities Page: INSPIRED LIVING! with Marc & Kim https://plus.google.com/u/0/communiti…/111118826880689715612
Instagram Page or Follow us @Inspired4Us: INSPIRED LIVING https://instagram.com/inspired4us/

Wednesday Oct 28, 2015
Angel Messages: Manifestation and Achieving Personal Goals Part 1
Wednesday Oct 28, 2015
Wednesday Oct 28, 2015
Aired Wednesday, 28 October 2015, 3:00 PM ET
Join us this Wednesday at 3pm EST /12pm PST on INSPIRED LIVING on OM Times Radio: http://omtimes.com/iom/shows/inspired-living/ as we welcome special guest, Psychic-Medium and Spiritual Healer, Rev. Shamalah-Allah.
About the Guest Rev. Shamalah-Allah
Shamalah-Allah is an ordained minister from the Universal Life Church located in Modesto, CA and works as a full-time Ministerial Counselor, Professional Psychic-Medium and Healer. She receives and delivers messages from Angels, Ancestor Spirits, Spirit Guides, Nature Spirits, Deceased Relatives and more… This is effective with issues involving romance, finances, health, internal spiritual growth and family relations. Other specialized skills include dream interpretation, future forecasting, past-life readings, energy healings, karmic readings, medical intuitive readings, animal communication, exorcisms and house blessings. Currently Rev. Shamalah-Allah lives in the San Francisco Bay Area and offers services at her San Mateo, Ca. office as well as answering people’s questions from around the world via phone, e-mail and Skype.
Google+: Rev. Shamalah-Allah
Email: shamalahallah@gmail.com
Phone Number: 650-719-0097
Website: shamalah.com
“You are the Inspired, and the Inspiration!” ~Inspired Living
Post your questions on the INSPIRED LIVING FACEBOOK OR TWITTER accounts, and we will bring them live to air! This is a great way to interact with the LIVE show and ask your questions of our celebrity guests!
Facebook Group Page – INSPIRED LIVING RADIO: https://www.facebook.com/groups/953052554715269/
Twitter Page or Follow us @Inspired4Us: INSPIRED LIVING! https://twitter.com/Inspired4Us
Google+ Communities Page: INSPIRED LIVING! with Marc & Kim https://plus.google.com/u/0/communiti…/111118826880689715612
Instagram Page or Follow us @Inspired4Us: INSPIRED LIVING https://instagram.com/inspired4us/

Wednesday Oct 21, 2015
Inspired Living – Dr. Mary Helen Hensley
Wednesday Oct 21, 2015
Wednesday Oct 21, 2015
Aired Wednesday, 21 October 2015, 3:00 PM ET
Join us this Wednesday at 3pm EST /12pm PST on INSPIRED LIVING on OM Times Radio: http://omtimes.com/iom/shows/inspired-living/ as we welcome special guest, Dr. Mary Helen Hensley who will be calling in live from Ireland!
About the Guest Dr. Mary Helen Hensley
Dr. Mary Helen Hensley is a chiropractor, metaphysical healer, International motivational speaker, and author of Promised By Heaven, A Doctor’s Return From The Afterlife To a Destiny of Love & Healing. Dr. Hensley’s amazing story of her near death experience and glimpse of heaven from a car accident that in a flash changed her life forever lead her to discover her extraordinary gifts. Consumed with a sudden clarity and filled with a desire to live a life of service she set out on a journey of metaphysical healing, mediumship, seeing into the future and helping people to see how fear is an enemy that robs us of precious time.
This Wednesday we’re going to talk about Dr. Hensley’s experience in heaven, meeting angels, and returning to earth as a changed woman. You’re not going to want to miss this!
Website: www.maryhelenhensley.com
“You are the Inspired, and the Inspiration!” ~Inspired Living
Post your questions on the INSPIRED LIVING FACEBOOK OR TWITTER accounts, and we will bring them live to air! This is a great way to interact with the LIVE show and ask your questions of our celebrity guests!
Facebook Group Page – INSPIRED LIVING RADIO: https://www.facebook.com/groups/953052554715269/
Twitter Page or Follow us @Inspired4Us: INSPIRED LIVING! https://twitter.com/Inspired4Us
Google+ Communities Page: INSPIRED LIVING! with Marc & Kim https://plus.google.com/u/0/communiti…/111118826880689715612
Instagram Page or Follow us @Inspired4Us: INSPIRED LIVING https://instagram.com/inspired4us/

Wednesday Oct 14, 2015
Animal Communication and Healing
Wednesday Oct 14, 2015
Wednesday Oct 14, 2015
Aired Wednesday, 14 October 2015, 3:00 PM ET
Join us this Wednesday at 3pm EST /12pm PST on INSPIRED LIVING on OM Times Radio: http://omtimes.com/iom/shows/inspired-living/ as we welcome special guest, friend, and Best American Psychics colleague, Psychic Medium and Healer, Nicolebeth Williamson. Get ready for an hour of insightful, inspiring, and healing information on Animal Communications, Systemic Cellular Healing and Distant Healing!
About the Guest Nicolebeth Williamson
Nicolebeth Williamson is an Animal Communicator and Systemic Cellular Healer and Certified Spiritual Counselor. Nicolebeth is Clairvoyant, Claircognizant, Clairaudient and Clairscentient. She attended a private mentorship program with Shirley Ryan PhD, CCHt, at Working Together Institute. Shirley was instrumental in helping Nicolebeth realize her true path as a Psychic Medium. Shirley Ryan is a valued friend, advisor and colleague….the Human Owl. Nicolebeth has also attended advanced Mediumship classes with John Holland, Janet Nohavec and Maggie Chula. Nicolebeth enjoys her private time with her family, music and is an avid crystal collector! She volunteers her time and gifts to various charities and events and believes in paying it forward to help her community. Nicolebeth is patient, loving and kind. Always willing to help and guide, she is a true light following her path as a Healer.
Website: http://www.nicolebeth.net
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NicolebethW
Twitter: https://twitter.com/nicolebethw

Wednesday Sep 30, 2015
The Herbal Pharmacist – David Foreman
Wednesday Sep 30, 2015
Wednesday Sep 30, 2015
Aired Wednesday, 30 September 2015, 3:00 PM ET
Join us this Wednesday at 3pm EST /12pm PST on INSPIRED LIVING on OM Times Radio: http://omtimes.com/iom/shows/inspired-living/ as we welcome author and radio show host David Foreman, “The Herbal Pharmacist.” Get ready for an hour of insightful, inspiring, and healing information on Chronic Pain and herbal medicine.
“Chronic Pain Hurts 1 in 5 Americans and Treatment Can be Mind-boggling for Physicians and Patients.” Nearly 100 million Americans experience chronic pain – more than those who have diabetes, heart disease and cancer combined. Pain sufferers are often misdiagnosed, misunderstood and miserable. What’s worse is this is an issue that really frustrates physicians because it’s difficult to treat chronic pain with traditional medications.
About Guest David Foreman
David Foreman RPh, is a retired pharmacist, author and radio host of the syndicated show, “The Herbal Pharmacist.” He is well versed on the healing powers of herbs, vitamins and other natural supplements. Foreman is a graduate of the University of South Carolina College of Pharmacy and is author of, “4 Pillars of Health: Heart Disease.” He is a frequent speaker at some of America’s leading universities, medical groups and hospitals on the subject of natural health and healing. His shift from traditional pharmacist to herbal pharmacist was based on his belief that education is the key to understanding that natural health plays a vital role in mainstream medicine; and he has dedicated his entire career to educating consumers about the benefits and power behind natural herbs and supplements. Follow him on Twitter: @herbalrph or https://www.facebook.com/TheHerbalPharmacist. For more natural health tips go to: www.herbalpharmacist.com

Wednesday Sep 23, 2015
Inspired Living – Jayson B. Calton Ph.D and Mira Calton CN
Wednesday Sep 23, 2015
Wednesday Sep 23, 2015
Aired Wednesday, 23 September 2015, 3:00 PM ET
Join us this Wednesday at 3pm EST /12pm PST on INSPIRED LIVING on OM Times Radio: http://omtimes.com/iom/shows/inspired-living/ as we welcome Celebrity Nutritionists, Jayson B. Calton Ph.D. and Mira Calton CN, who are among the worlds leading experts in micronutrients and dietary supplement science. Both Jayson and Mira have been featured in the Wall Street Journal, CNN, Fox & Friends, Prevention Magazine and we are honored to have them on the show! Join us for an hour of inspiring, knowledgeable and useful information as we dive deep into their ground-breaking Micronutrient Miracle plan!
About Guests Jayson B. Calton Ph.D and Mira Calton CN
Celebrity Nutritionist Jayson B. Calton Ph.D. and Mira Calton CN, are among the world’s leading experts in micronutrients and dietary supplement science. Follows of the American Association of Integrative Medicine (AAIM) and board certified Integrative Health (BCIH), the Caltons operate Calton Nutrition and The Calton Institute of Lifestyle Medicine in Florida, offering training to health professionals and assisting clients with their ground-breaking Micronutrient Miracle plan.
They are the authors of Naked Calories, and Rich Food, Poor Food, and regular nutrition column in First for Women magazine. They have been featured in major media outlets including The Wall Street Journal, CNN, Fox and friends, PBS and Prevention magazine.
Mira herself developed advanced osteoporosis at the age of 30. But with Jayson’s help, she completely reversed her disease through micronutrient therapy.
It is much simpler than it sounds: just think of micronutrients as the “good stuff” in food that our bodies require daily to obtain and sustain optimal health- including vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids, and amino acids.
After traveling to more than 100 countries over 6 years to study the dietary and lifestyle habits of the worlds healthiest people the Caltons believe there is no one dietary philosophy or magic ratio of foods that will keep you healthy. There is only one missing piece of the puzzle that changes everything- micronutrients.
As for the miracle behind these mighty micronutrients? Simple: it is human body’s ability to use micronutrients to prevent and reverse nearly all the health conditions and lifestyle disease currently plaguing billions of people all over the world that is truly miraculous.

Wednesday Sep 16, 2015
Inspired Living – Christopher Buck, CEO, OmTimes Media
Wednesday Sep 16, 2015
Wednesday Sep 16, 2015
Aired Wednesday, 16 September 2015, 3:00 PM ET
INSPIRED LIVING with Marc and Kim welcomes Christopher Buck, CEO of OmTimes Media Inc, as our guest next week: Wednesday – 3pm EST/ 12pm PST, on OM Times Radio: http://omtimes.com/iom/shows/inspired-living/
Join us as we talk to Christopher about the foundation of OmTimes Media – the voice of consciousness – and all of the humanitarian work Parent Company, Humanity Healing, is doing in the world today particularly in the area of saving albino children in Africa from violence.
About Guest Christopher Buck
Christopher Buck is the co-founder of Humanity Healing, the organization from which Humanity Healing International evolved.
Currently, Christopher Buck also serves as CEO and Publisher of OMTimes Media, Inc. and CEO of Humanity Healing Network, Inc. Both of these companies are “feeder corporations” which are for-profit companies wholly owned by a nonprofit company, in this case, Humanity Healing International, Inc.
In September of 2012, Christopher Buck was awarded the President’s Call to Service Award by President Barack Obama and the Corporation for National & Community Service.

Wednesday Sep 09, 2015
The Age of Woman is Here – Renée Starr
Wednesday Sep 09, 2015
Wednesday Sep 09, 2015
Aired Wednesday, 9 September 2015, 3:00 PM ET
“You may not know yourself as a goddess; your feminine energy is out of balance and your divine essence has yet to awaken. But the time has come, right now, for you to know that being a woman is special, sacred, and divine. Every woman deserves to know herself in this way. You Are Woman, You Are Divine is a guide to help you reclaim all the beauty, grace, and strength that being female is. Return to your ancient roots, learn the timeless wisdom of your mythic history, and discover how you are the embodiment of the highest feminine Essence of the world—The Divine Feminine. Understand why over many centuries, a woman’s relationship with Her has become increasingly lost to us, and why now is the right time to bring Her back into your life.”
The modern world has little space dedicated to The Goddess or The Divine Feminine. Gone are Her temples, Her priestesses, and the daily devotion that we once had for Her. It is time now to remember Her long lost ways, and like the mighty Isis, lovingly re-member ourselves, piece by piece back into wholeness – inner goddess and all. What has not disappeared from the world today are the phases of the moon calling forth our blood, the rise and fall of the tides, and the wind blowing through a grove of trees. What remains here now are our beautiful and assorted bodies. Our soft womanly forms wish only to be loved. The deeply hidden space of our wombs – which carry the life spark of the world’s soul within – are gifts from Her to us. What has not been erased, forgotten nor left behind is the ever rising desire and the ache of longing that is within a woman’s heart – to be free, female, woman . . . and a goddess.
MORE INFORMATION ON THE BOOK: http://www.backtothegoddess.com/ or info@BackToTheGoddess.com