
Wednesday Apr 13, 2016
The Health Benefits of Gardening with Chris Young
Wednesday Apr 13, 2016
Wednesday Apr 13, 2016
The Health Benefits of Gardening with Chris Young, former entertainment talent agent turned professional gardener, author and fairy expert.
Aired Wednesday, 13 April 2016, 3:00 PM ET
Join us for this “WISDOM WEDNESDAY” at 12pm PST / 3pm EST on INSPIRED LIVING with MARC & KIM on OM TIMES RADIO: http://omtimes.com/iom/shows/inspired-living/
Chris began his career the Big Apple as the very first intern at Details Magazine, (when it was run by the great Annie Flanders). Following the internship, Chris landed his first job as an Assistant at the William Morris Talent Agency where he worked for a young James Dixon. James signed an unknown comic named Jon Stewart with whom Chris instantly hit it off. Jon eventually tapped Chris to book the standup comics for his MTV talk show.
Chris eventually left that position to become the Director of Talent at Comedy Central where he played a large role in some of the network’s early milestones. He was at the conference table the first time Debbie Liebling brought in the “South Park” animated short and casted the first version of “The Daily Show,” where he was reunited with Jon Stewart. Throughout his time at Comedy Central, Chris also worked with Amy Poehler on “Upright Citizens Brigade as well as Amy Sedaris, Paul Denallo, and Stephen Colbert on the twisted “Strangers with Candy.”
Now, Chris’ days are devoted to writing and following his passion of gardening including tending to his own garden, “Tiny Sur” where he gets most of his inspiration and has earned multiple certifications. In his book “Is That A Fairy?”, young readers can enjoy real sounds from Tiny Sur and hear the real barks from Chris’ beloved beagle Daisy, who inspired the loveable canine companion of the main character in the book.
Chris currently resides in Laurel Canyon, California with his husband Jon, Daisy the beagle, 3 cats, a tortoise, a pond full of fish and over 30,000 honeybees.
Feel free to post your personal questions (or private message us) on the INSPIRED LIVING RADIO (ILR) FACEBOOK OR TWITTER accounts (@inspired4us), and we will bring them live to air! This is a great way to interact with the LIVE show, Marc & Kim, along with celebrity guests!
Facebook Group Page – INSPIRED LIVING RADIO: https://www.facebook.com/groups/953052554715269/
Twitter Page or Follow us @Inspired4Us: INSPIRED LIVING! https://twitter.com/Inspired4Us
Google+ Communities Page: INSPIRED LIVING! with Marc & Kim https://plus.google.com/u/0/communiti…/111118826880689715612
Instagram Page or Follow us @Inspired4Us: INSPIRED LIVING https://instagram.com/inspired4us/
“You are the Inspired, and the Inspiration!” ~Inspired Living

Wednesday Apr 06, 2016
Finding the Supermodel in You with Claudia Mason
Wednesday Apr 06, 2016
Wednesday Apr 06, 2016
Finding the Supermodel in You with Supermodel, Actress, and Author Claudia Mason
Aired Wednesday, 6 April 2016, 3:00 PM ET
Join us for this “WISDOM WEDNESDAY” at 12pm PST / 3pm EST on INSPIRED LIVING with MARC & KIM on OM TIMES RADIO: http://omtimes.com/iom/shows/inspired-living/
Whether you are navigating your social circle, going on a job interview or meeting a blind date, we all want to perfect that first impression. Learning how to exude confidence, professionalism and charm may seem daunting – but now it’s easier than ever, thanks to supermodel Claudia Mason.
Discovered at age thirteen, Claudia has since become a successful supermodel, actress and producer, living the journey to happiness and success. In her debut book, Finding The Supermodel In You: The Insider’s Guide to Teen Modeling, Claudia shares a wealth of insights serving as expert guidance for building and maintaining self-confidence and high self-esteem, moving past negativity and helping cultivate your image for success.
To kickoff her career, MTV hired Claudia to host their fashion special, “Fashionably Loud”, and was also featured in Woody Allen’s film “Celebrity”. However, it was her appearance in Enrique Iglesias’ music video for the song “Rhythm Divine” that landed her roles in a few independent films, and a leading role in the independent feature film OUTPATIENT. Claudia’s theatre credits include TWO SHIPS PASSING for which she was named Outstanding Female Actor in a Lead Role by Reviewplays.com, and also appeared on television as a guest star on CBS’s CSI: NY, and How I met Your Mother; on Fox’s Kitchen Confidential, as well as on ABC’s October Road amongst others.
Recently she was named a spokesperson for the American Stroke Association. She herself is a stroke survivor, having suffered a minor stoke from a freak accident. Claudia has fully recovered but remains devoted to spreading the word about stroke prevention, early signs, and treatment. She lives in New York City. http://claudiamason.com/
Feel free to post your personal questions (or private message us) on the INSPIRED LIVING RADIO (ILR) FACEBOOK OR TWITTER accounts (@inspired4us), and we will bring them live to air! This is a great way to interact with the LIVE show, Marc & Kim, along with celebrity guests!
Facebook Group Page – INSPIRED LIVING RADIO: https://www.facebook.com/groups/953052554715269/
Twitter Page or Follow us @Inspired4Us: INSPIRED LIVING! https://twitter.com/Inspired4Us
Google+ Communities Page: INSPIRED LIVING! with Marc & Kim https://plus.google.com/u/0/communiti…/111118826880689715612
Instagram Page or Follow us @Inspired4Us: INSPIRED LIVING https://instagram.com/inspired4us/

Wednesday Mar 30, 2016
Spiritual Signs, Symbols & Synchronicities
Wednesday Mar 30, 2016
Wednesday Mar 30, 2016
Aired Wednesday, 30 March 2016, 3:00 PM ET
FOR THE FIRST TIME on INSPIRED LIVING RADIO, we will be inviting 2 lucky “Inspired Listeners” to join Marc, LIVE on the air to interact, ask questions, get a quick reading from Marc or share their personal story of how the spirit world sends us signs, symbols, and synchronicities! ONE SHOW YOU DO NOT WANT TO MISS!
Join Co-Host Marc Lainhart – The Intuitive Prospector this Wednesday at 12pm PST / 3pm EST on INSPIRED LIVING RADIO as he discusses, explains, and explores how we can further engage, feel, and see how the spirit world blends with our world on a daily basis.
Are we paying attention in life? Your guides, angels and those in the spirit world are always sending us signs, symbols, and omens to help guide us in the right direction. There are signs everywhere for us to witness and observe that is if we are paying attention and we are aware of their presence, energy, and vibration. So for those who are ‘incarnate’ (in the physical, flesh human form), how do we interpret the meaning of signs that we are being shown from those who are ‘discarnate’ (not having a physical body) in the spirit world? Some signs can be obvious, coming in “loud and clear” while others signs may be very subtle in nature, but one thing we do know for sure is that signs, symbols, and synchronicities are intrinsically linked with much synergy and flow between our world and the spirit world.
***TO QUALIFY*** and be our Special Guest on ILR, you will need to LIKE/FOLLOW and COMMENT “THAT YOU WOULD LOVE TO BE OUR GUEST” on any of the INSPIRED LIVING RADIO Social Media Pages:
Facebook Group Page – INSPIRED LIVING RADIO: https://www.facebook.com/groups/953052554715269/
Twitter Page or Follow us @Inspired4Us: INSPIRED LIVING! https://twitter.com/Inspired4Us
Google+ Communities Page: INSPIRED LIVING! with Marc & Kim https://plus.google.com/u/0/communiti…/111118826880689715612
Instagram Page or Follow us @Inspired4Us: INSPIRED LIVING https://instagram.com/inspired4us/
“You are the Inspired, and the Inspiration!” ~Inspired Living

Wednesday Mar 23, 2016
The Happiness Road Tour
Wednesday Mar 23, 2016
Wednesday Mar 23, 2016
Aired Wednesday, 23 March 2016, 3:00 PM ET
A movement that is dedicated to spreading “The Happy” across every major city in the U.S. with Happiness Expert Kita Szpak.
Join us for this “WISDOM WEDNESDAY” at 3pm EST /12pm PST on INSPIRED LIVING with MARC & KIM on OM TIMES RADIO: http://omtimes.com/iom/shows/inspired-living/
Kita Szpak is an author, happiness expert, speaker and publicist. With two honors degrees in Education and German (Queen’s University, Kingston, Canada), an initial speaker’s certification from Fred Pryor Seminars, and business management certification from Queen’s University School of Business, Kita has combined her entrepreneurial expertise, media relations savvy, outstanding people skills, and writing creativity to position others for personal and professional excellence. She has coordinated business and media events, book, CD launches, in addition to artist showcases nationally and internationally.
Over the last two years, Kita presented three international online telesummits on the topics of “Happiness for Parents Formula” “From Guilt to Gratitude” and “Happiness and Success” as well as an online radio show, interviewing over 50 experts in the areas of happiness, parenting, positive psychology, education, health and well-being. Out of this has developed the Happiness Road Tour initiative which Kita is debuting in New York City this May, 2016. (http://happinessroadtour.com)
Kita’s latest book “The SIMPLE Life: Shiny Objects Not Required” (2014) as well as her other books are available at: http://kitaszpak.com
“You are the Inspired, and the Inspiration!” ~Inspired Living
Feel free to post your personal questions (or private message us) on the INSPIRED LIVING RADIO (ILR) FACEBOOK OR TWITTER accounts (@inspired4us), and we will bring them live to air! This is a great way to interact with the LIVE show, Marc & Kim, along with celebrity guests!
Facebook Group Page – INSPIRED LIVING RADIO: https://www.facebook.com/groups/953052554715269/
Twitter Page or Follow us @Inspired4Us: INSPIRED LIVING! https://twitter.com/Inspired4Us
Google+ Communities Page: INSPIRED LIVING! with Marc & Kim https://plus.google.com/u/0/communiti…/111118826880689715612
Instagram Page or Follow us @Inspired4Us: INSPIRED LIVING https://instagram.com/inspired4us/

Wednesday Mar 16, 2016
Understanding the Spirit World with Mavis Pittilla
Wednesday Mar 16, 2016
Wednesday Mar 16, 2016
Understanding the Spirit World with Mavis Pittilla World Renowned Medium
Aired Wednesday, 16 March 2016, 3:00 PM ET
Mavis’ knowledge and understanding of all aspects of spirituality and mediumship is unrivaled. She is an outstanding leader in this field having been involved for over forty years working throughout the world.
Mavis started seeing the Spirit World spontaneously in the 1960’s when she had been given three months to live. From that moment her involvement with Spiritualism and the Spirit World has been total.
She is recognised as one of the most experienced and inspirational mediums in Great Britain. She works throughout the country and around the world teaching, lecturing, demonstrating and serving Spirit.
She shares the expertise she has gleaned from her teachers in the Spirit World, as well as her friend and mentor, Gordon Higginson, one of the finest UK mediums of the last century and President of the Spiritualist National Union. Introduced by Gordon, Mavis was one of the first people to work at the Arthur Findlay College in London where she became the Senior Tutor.
Mavis runs her own hugely successful mentorship programmes in the UK and also on-line programmes for students worldwide. She has also helped train many of the well-known mediums around today who still seek her advice and expertise.
Some of her experience has been unique and she has worked with the Kabalic Masters on the shores of Galilee, a rare experience for anyone, but particularly for a woman with the “third eye.” She has demonstrated mediumship in South Africa accompanied by a Soweto choir from the Shanty towns. She also worked in Ireland during the troubles supporting Protestant and Catholic families all feeling the same pain in grief when they had lost loved ones through “religious” fighting.
You will be mesmerized and enthralled, as you listen to the depth of her understanding. This reservoir of knowledge encompasses all aspects of mediumship and she has a profound spiritual awareness. She firmly believes that it should not operate without spirituality and is disappointed when she sees this happening.
“We should never lose sight of the miracle of communication. Too many people just work from the mind and think that the Spirit are just genies in a bottle who can just be conjured up. They are “real people” and should be treated as such, with respect and dignity”. Mavis has dedicated her life to work on behalf of the Spirit, both the incarnate and discarnate and she firmly believes that a true medium is on a Soul journey not an egotistical adventure. To become a medium requires focus and dedication for many years, just as it does in any other area of expertise. Learning is lifelong and never ends.
“You are the Inspired, and the Inspiration!” ~Inspired Living
Feel free to post your personal questions (or private message us) on the INSPIRED LIVING RADIO (ILR) FACEBOOK OR TWITTER accounts (@inspired4us), and we will bring them live to air! This is a great way to interact with the LIVE show, Marc & Kim, along with celebrity guests!
Facebook Group Page – INSPIRED LIVING RADIO: https://www.facebook.com/groups/953052554715269/
Twitter Page or Follow us @Inspired4Us: INSPIRED LIVING! https://twitter.com/Inspired4Us
Google+ Communities Page: INSPIRED LIVING! with Marc & Kim https://plus.google.com/u/0/communiti…/111118826880689715612
Instagram Page or Follow us @Inspired4Us: INSPIRED LIVING https://instagram.com/inspired4us/

Wednesday Mar 09, 2016
My Life After Death
Wednesday Mar 09, 2016
Wednesday Mar 09, 2016
Aired Wednesday, 9 March 2016, 3:00 PM ET
How a mother healed from her son, Erik’s suicide. And, how she works with her son through Channel Kim Babcock to bring forth his inspirational messages and information on life after death to the world today.
Special guest Elisa Medhus and Channel for Erik, Kim Babcock.
Join us for this “WISDOM WEDNESDAY” at 3pm EST /12pm PST on INSPIRED LIVING with MARC & KIM on OM TIMES RADIO: http://omtimes.com/iom/shows/inspired-living/
**Kim Babcock will be channeling Erik live on our show – SEND THROUGH QUESTIONS NOW – anything you want to know about life after death? – Kim will channel through your answers. You don’t want to miss this!
About the Guest Elisa Medhus
Elisa Medhus, a physician and mother of five, has practiced internal medicine in Houston, Texas for over thirty years. After the death of her 20 year-old son, Erik, Dr. Medhus began journaling her grief on her blog, Channeling Erik. She knew that only in helping others could she heal herself. Because of her strong science background, she formerly viewed spiritual matters such as the soul’s survival of death with skepticism, but once Erik began to communicate with family, friends and blog members, her entire paradigm shifted. After devouring various books on quantum physics explaining the science behind spirituality, Dr. Medhus is no longer a skeptic. Now, she channels Erik through a medium, asking him questions about death, the afterlife and so much more. As her blog members join her in this journey toward spiritual understanding, Erik continues to offer not only his insight as an insider on the other side, but also adds some comic relief with his mischievous pranks. She shares her journey in her book, My Son and the Afterlife: Conversations from the Other Side. Erik has authored his own book, My Life After Death: A Memoir from Heaven. In addition to her two books about Erik, Dr. Medhus is also the author of three award winning parenting books: Raising Children Who Think for Themselves; Hearing is Believing: How Words Can Make or Break Our Kids; and Raising Everyday Heroes.
“You are the Inspired, and the Inspiration!” ~Inspired Living
Feel free to post your personal questions (or private message us) on the INSPIRED LIVING RADIO (ILR) FACEBOOK OR TWITTER accounts (@inspired4us), and we will bring them live to air! This is a great way to interact with the LIVE show, Marc & Kim, along with celebrity guests!
Facebook Group Page – INSPIRED LIVING RADIO: https://www.facebook.com/groups/953052554715269/
Twitter Page or Follow us @Inspired4Us: INSPIRED LIVING! https://twitter.com/Inspired4Us
Google+ Communities Page: INSPIRED LIVING! with Marc & Kim https://plus.google.com/u/0/communiti…/111118826880689715612
Instagram Page or Follow us @Inspired4Us: INSPIRED LIVING https://instagram.com/inspired4us/

Wednesday Mar 02, 2016
What Is Really Going On Behind The Scenes On Planet Earth?
Wednesday Mar 02, 2016
Wednesday Mar 02, 2016
What Is Really Going On Behind The Scenes On Planet Earth? – Gordon Davidson
Aired Wednesday, 2 March 2016, 3:00 PM ET
Join us for this “WISDOM WEDNESDAY” at 3pm EST /12pm PST on INSPIRED LIVING with MARC & KIM on OM TIMES RADIO: http://omtimes.com/iom/shows/inspired-living/
Gordon Davidson – Author of The Transfiguration of Our World: How a Light Alliance Is Transforming Darkness and Creating a New Earth
Conditions on Earth, and the great struggle for the future of our world between the forces of light and darkness have reached a crisis point. Because Earth is an integral part of our solar system, one of the chakras of the solar system, a dark and conflictual energy wave emanating from Earth is holding back the forward evolutionary movement of our solar system.
As a result we are being given active help and guidance from civilizations beyond our planet to support the resolution of this crisis, and our successful movement into an entirely new civilization of light and love. The Transfiguration of Our World is a synthesis overview of how the solar system and galactic civilizations are offering multidimensional assistance to ensure Earth becomes a planet of light as rapidly as possible. http://www.worldtransfiguration.com
“You are the Inspired, and the Inspiration!” ~Inspired Living
Feel free to post your personal questions (or private message us) on the INSPIRED LIVING RADIO (ILR) FACEBOOK OR TWITTER accounts (@inspired4us), and we will bring them live to air! This is a great way to interact with the LIVE show, Marc & Kim, along with celebrity guests!
Facebook Group Page – INSPIRED LIVING RADIO: https://www.facebook.com/groups/953052554715269/
Twitter Page or Follow us @Inspired4Us: INSPIRED LIVING! https://twitter.com/Inspired4Us
Google+ Communities Page: INSPIRED LIVING! with Marc & Kim https://plus.google.com/u/0/communiti…/111118826880689715612
Instagram Page or Follow us @Inspired4Us: INSPIRED LIVING https://instagram.com/inspired4us/

Wednesday Feb 17, 2016
Lessons From The 12 Archangels with Belinda J. Womack
Wednesday Feb 17, 2016
Wednesday Feb 17, 2016
Aired Wednesday, 17 February 2016, 3:00 PM ET
Belinda J. Womack is a spiritual counselor, teacher and author of Lessons from the 12 Archangels: Divine Intervention in Daily Life, Bear & Co. November 2015. She is also a regular contributor to OMTIMES Magazine. A scientist by training, with dual master’s degrees in microbiology and environmental science (Indiana University), Belinda was called into service by the 12 Archangels while working in a medical university lab as she was doing a stem cell experiment. For nearly 25 years since that meeting, Belinda has had an active spiritual counseling practice, working with the 12 Archangels, to support individuals, couples and families with seemingly impossible problems to solve.
According to Belinda, “We are here to learn, through our experiences and choices, that we are children of the Divine.” Belinda’s new book, Lessons from the 12 Archangels is a treasure chest of channeled angelic wisdom that offers clear strategies for transforming the wounds trapped within the deep subconscious that block us from experiencing positive change. The guided imagery exercises integrate the healing-power from our batteries of spiritual energy (chakras), together with the unconditional love of the 12 Archangels of the Central Soul of God. This facilitates a vibrational super shift that moves us from focusing on our suffering here on Earth to receiving Heaven’s abundance and joy.
“You are the Inspired, and the Inspiration!” ~Inspired Living
Feel free to post your personal questions (or private message us) on the INSPIRED LIVING FACEBOOK OR TWITTER accounts, and we will bring them live to air! This is a great way to interact with the LIVE show, Marc & Kim along with their celebrity guests!
Facebook Group Page – INSPIRED LIVING RADIO: https://www.facebook.com/groups/953052554715269/
Twitter Page or Follow us @Inspired4Us: INSPIRED LIVING! https://twitter.com/Inspired4Us
Google+ Communities Page: INSPIRED LIVING! with Marc & Kim https://plus.google.com/u/0/communiti…/111118826880689715612
Instagram Page or Follow us @Inspired4Us: INSPIRED LIVING https://instagram.com/inspired4us/

Wednesday Feb 10, 2016
Inspired Living – Brian Wilson Professional Baseball Player
Wednesday Feb 10, 2016
Wednesday Feb 10, 2016
Aired Wednesday, 10 February 2016, 3:00 PM ET
Brian Wilson is not your ordinary relief pitcher. His tattooed, mohawk-rocking, original exterior is just as unique as his pitching ability. His fastball can reach up to 100mph and his slider is as wicked as his bad-boy persona. In 2008, Brian starred in a reality show titled, Life of Brian, which centers around his life outside of baseball.
Everything about Brian Wilson is extreme. His workout regimen, his personality, and his performance on the field are unlike any other pitcher in the league. He is known amongst his peers to have one of the deadliest combinations in baseball – a triple-digit fastball and a “hit it if you can” mentality.
Brian made his Major League debut on April 23, 2006 against the Colorado Rockies. Brian did not disappoint from that point forward becoming one of the Giants top relief pitchers. Towards the end of the 2007 season, Brian took over as the Giants. While most would shy away from such a nerve-wracking opportunity, Brian lives for the rush of blowing guys away with his fastball.
2008 was a breakout year for Brian. He established himself as one of the top closers in the Major Leagues and was the Giants go-to-guy late in the game. In 2009, Brian was once again one of baseball’s top closers, finishing 3rd in the National League. Brian’s continued his success into the 2010 season and has established him as one of Major League Baseball’s elite closers in the game today. His performance bolstered the San Francisco Giants to their first World Series title since 1954.
After a series of injuries Brian became a free agent in 2012 and in 2013 signed a contract with the LA Dodgers for $20 million but became a free agent again when they fell short of the world series. Most recently, Brian has developed a keen sense for real estate even appearing on Bravo’s Million Dollar Listing. Today, he continues to work out and remains a top free agent with an eye towards returning to Major League Baseball in 2016.

Wednesday Feb 03, 2016
Inspired Living – Ora Nadrich
Wednesday Feb 03, 2016
Wednesday Feb 03, 2016
Aired Wednesday, 3 February 2016, 3:00 PM ET
Ora Nadrich is a Certified Life Coach, Mindfulness Meditation Coach and the author of Says Who?: How One Simple Question Can Change the Way You Think Forever. Her teachings allow us to confront our negativity head on and address what issues are really holding us back in our lives.
Ora began her career as a Certified Life Coach and Certified Mindfulness Meditation Teacher in 2008. She is professionally trained in: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Technology of Change, Jungian Analysis, Buddhism and Kabbalah. Ora is also a licensed Marriage Officiant, leader of The Womens Group and a member of the National Association of Professional Women.
With her credentials, Ora teaches the “Says Who? Method” a step-by-step process of confronting our negative thoughts, which are what often create the obstacles in our lives. Providing both tangible and practical lessons, Ora’s students are able to address and overcome their negative thoughts and outlooks to live their lives at their highest potential.
Website: www.oranadrich.com
“You are the Inspired, and the Inspiration!” ~Inspired Living
Post your questions on the INSPIRED LIVING FACEBOOK OR TWITTER accounts, and we will bring them live to air! This is a great way to interact with the LIVE show and ask your questions of our celebrity guests!
Facebook Group Page – INSPIRED LIVING RADIO: https://www.facebook.com/groups/953052554715269/
Twitter Page or Follow us @Inspired4Us: INSPIRED LIVING! https://twitter.com/Inspired4Us
Google+ Communities Page: INSPIRED LIVING! with Marc & Kim https://plus.google.com/u/0/communiti…/111118826880689715612
Instagram Page or Follow us @Inspired4Us: INSPIRED LIVING https://instagram.com/inspired4us/