
Wednesday Aug 15, 2018
The Gate of Light with Spiritual Icon Lars Muhl
Wednesday Aug 15, 2018
Wednesday Aug 15, 2018
Aired Wednesday, 15 August 2018, 3:00 PM ET
The Gate of Light with Spiritual Icon Lars Muhl
Join us this “Wisdom Wednesday” as we welcome special guest, international known singer-songwriter and Spiritual Icon Lars Muhl to discuss his new book, ‘The Gate of Light.’
SHOW TOPIC: What motivates us? How do we create a balance between thoughts, words and actions? How do we align ourselves in relation to our higher self and become the universal light beings we are meant to be?
The Gate of Light, which describes an ancient healing method used by the Essenes 2500 years ago. In this book, spiritual icon Lars brings his intimate knowledge of these long-forgotten practices to the modern age, complete with practical tools, meditations and visualizations.
Until the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls in 1946, little was known about The Essenes, or The Sons of Light; a brotherhood of holy men and women living together within a community over 2000 years ago. The Essenes considered themselves to be a separate people, not because of external signs, but because of the illumination of their inner life, and their knowledge of the hidden mysteries of nature unknown to others.
In this book Lars explores these beliefs and practices, and makes us question how we judge ourselves and how we live in the world. He presents a complete practice to help us recognize and answer these questions, to help us find, and reach, our potential.
Lars Muhl is a bestselling author and musician whose work has been translated into many languages. For many years Lars Muhl was a successful singer and songwriter, and along with his interest in music, he studied the world’s religions and esoterica. Out of the blue in 1996 he was struck by an unexplained illness, which neither doctors nor alternative therapists could diagnose. For three years he was confined to his bed, unable to move. Through a friend, Lars was put in touch with the Seer who, via telephone brought him ‘back to life’. He regularly features on the Watkins Top 100 Most Spiritually Influential People.
Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lars_Muhl
Website: http://www.larsmuhl.com/#the-law-of-light-the-secret-teachings-of-jesus-by-lars-muhl

Wednesday Aug 08, 2018
How Soon Is Now?: The Handbook for Global Change with Daniel Pinchbeck
Wednesday Aug 08, 2018
Wednesday Aug 08, 2018
Aired Wednesday, 8 August 2018, 3:00 PM ET
How Soon Is Now?: The Handbook for Global Change with Daniel Pinchbeck
Join us this “Wisdom Wednesday” as we welcome special guest philosopher, radical thinker and author Daniel Pinchbeck to discuss his new book, ‘How Soon Is Now?: The Handbook for Global Change.’
SHOW TOPIC: How Soon Is now? The Handbook For Global Change…
“A blueprint for the future” — Russell Brand
“For anyone interested in considering how we got into this mess and how we can get out of it, How Soon is Now? will not disappoint… Pinchbeck is an important thinker of our time, and his is a brave and necessary book.” – Dr Jason Hickel, LSE Review of Books
For the last few years the world has been on the brink of an ecological mega-crisis, and our actions over the next few years will determine the global landscapes for years to come. In the last few months alone we’ve seen incredible movements arising all around the world which have been borne out of the catastrophic catalysts around us- environmental actions, Me Too, Never Again, and more. This is exactly what author, philosopher, and radical thinker Daniel Pinchbeck has been predicting; that our crucial crises now are actually an opportunity for conscious communal change.
Drawing on a huge range of resources and references, from economics to Eastern philosophies and religions, Pinchbeck presents a compelling argument for the need for change on a global basis. How Soon is Now? is a manifesto and a tactical plan of action. It proposes a new narrative for a unified social movement. Through global cooperation, we can face this collective threat- ecologically, socially, politically, culturally, and spiritually- in order to not just survive, but thrive and expand into a new consciousness.
Website: https://www.watkinspublishing.com

Wednesday Aug 01, 2018
Open Phone Lines and Free Readings - August 2018
Wednesday Aug 01, 2018
Wednesday Aug 01, 2018
Aired Wednesday, 1 August 2018, 3:00 PM ET
Open Phone Lines and Free Readings – August 2018
INTERNET RADIO – Join us this “WISDOM WEDNESDAY” at 12pm PST / 1PM MT / 2pm CST/ 3pm EST on INSPIRED LIVING RADIO as your hosts Marc and Kim open phone lines to take your questions, comments and offer FREE readings.
This is YOUR hour – dedicated to you the Inspired Listener!
Listen live: http://omtimes.com/iom/shows/inspired-living/
Website: www.lovefirst.info
Website: www.marclainhart.com

Wednesday Jul 25, 2018
The Guardian Angel Oracles with Renowned Angel Expert Chrissie Astell
Wednesday Jul 25, 2018
Wednesday Jul 25, 2018
Aired Wednesday, 25 July 2018, 3:00 PM ET
The Guardian Angel Oracles with Renowned Angel Expert Chrissie Astell
Join us this “Wisdom Wednesday” as we welcome renowned angel expert, Chrissie Astell and discuss The Guardian Angel Oracle: 52 Cards for Angelic Inspiration, Wisdom and Guidance cards and guidebook.
In today’s busy and stressful world, many of us feel the need for some kind of spiritual light and guidance outside of traditional religious practices. Angel cards have become much more mainstream in recent years and no matter what our belief system, they are a presence that we can call upon to help us look more deeply into our lives and ourselves, and develop our intuition to help us navigate life.
In The Guardian Angel Oracle: 52 Cards for Angelic Inspiration, Wisdom and Guidance cards and guidebook, renowned angel expert Chrissie Astell helps us tap into the energy of the angels in a more focused way. After an introduction to the history and significance of angelic beings, she provides advice on handling the cards, different ways to use the deck, affirmations and meditations, as well as layouts with sample readings.
Whether we seek guidance about a particular issue, wish to feel a spiritual presence more acutely on a daily basis, or perhaps simply seek inspiration on a particular day, working with angel cards can give us all the tools we need to forge invaluable connections with angels, and with ourselves, in a deep, authentic, and grounded way.
Chrissie Astell is one of the most highly qualified and experienced angel teachers and writers in the UK, with a BA Hons in Comparative Religion including Angelology & Mysticism, followed by post-graduate certificates in Spiritual Development & Facilitation, and Adult Education. She is also one of seven acknowledged and authorised Spiritual Educators within the Spiritual Companions programme founded by Dr William Bloom. She is the angel expert for well-known UK spiritual magazines, and she runs courses and workshops around the world. Chrissie and her work have been featured on radio, TV, and in national and international press. http://angellight.co.uk
OM TIMES CALL-IN LINES: 202-570-7057
QUESTIONS???: Ask to join as an “Inspired Listener” and post a question on our closed Facebook page: INSPIRED LIVING RADIO

Wednesday Jul 18, 2018
The Blessing Of Sorrow with Rabbi Ben Kamin
Wednesday Jul 18, 2018
Wednesday Jul 18, 2018
Aired Wednesday, 18 July 2018, 3:00 PM ET
The Blessing Of Sorrow with Rabbi Ben Kamin
Join us this “Wisdom Wednesday” as we welcome award-winning author Rabbi Ben Kamin and discuss his new book The Blessing of Sorrow: How to Turn Grief Into Healing.
All 7 billion of us share the inevitability of death. But as Rabbi Ben Kamin argues in his thoughtful and compassionate new book, THE BLESSING OF SORROW: HOW TO TURN GRIEF INTO HEALING, Americans are uniquely bad at the mourning process, and those deficiencies have real-life consequences. Through anecdote and personal experience, Rabbi Kamin shows why the active process of grieving is necessary to moving on, and why Americans, with their obsession with beauty and youth, and their reticence to show emotion, have so much trouble when confronting the stark realities of death.
When someone dies, we use platitudes, “he’s in a better place”; “They had a good run.” We show up to the funeral, make a shiva call, and then go home. Sometimes, we turn mourning periods into “celebrations of life” to make the day a little less somber. But, what happens to them when everyone goes back to their routine and they are left with the void? In BLESSING OF SORROW, Kamin shows how we can better support those who are grieving and how we can better grieve ourselves. He shows how we can be good neighbors, relatives, and friends to those in mourning, and he suggests practical ways to honor a loved one’s memory and how to begin to heal.
Rabbi Ben Kamin holds a Doctor of Divinity degree from Hebrew Union College and is a clergyman, teacher, counselor, and the award-winning author of eleven books on human values, civil rights, and spirituality. He has a national platform as a scholar on the life and work of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and has led congregations in Toronto, New York, Cleveland, San Diego, and Laguna Woods, California. Since his ordination in 1978, Kamin has published hundreds of articles about community life in newspapers around the world, ranging from the New York Times to the International Herald-Tribune. He appears frequently on radio and television and serves on several national boards dealing with community affairs and multicultural relations.
Email: ben@benkamin.com
Website: www.benkamin.com / spiritbehindthenews.com
OM TIMES CALL-IN LINES: 202-570-7057
QUESTIONS???: Ask to join as an “Inspired Listener” and post a question on our closed Facebook page: INSPIRED LIVING RADIO

Wednesday Jul 11, 2018
The Human Energy Field, Aura & Colors with Marc Lainhart
Wednesday Jul 11, 2018
Wednesday Jul 11, 2018
Aired Wednesday, 11 July 2018, 3:00 PM ET
The Human Energy Field, Aura & Colors with Marc Lainhart
Join us this “Wisdom Wednesday” as host Marc Lainhart discusses the “Human Energy Field” (HEF) and will be taking LIVE callers and answering questions off the INSPIRED LIVING RADIO Facebook page to discuss the colors of the Auric field and how those colors relate to our higher-self and our spiritual journey.
Marc will explain the concepts and science of the human aura, the Human Energy Field (HEF), along with a brief meditation to connect to your own aura! Your aura or “antenna” is part of the Human Energy Field (HEF) which is a direct manifestation of universal energy that is intimately involved with human life. Some describe the Aura as a luminous body that surrounds and interpenetrates the physical body, emits its own characteristic radiation, (similar to a running motor vehicle giving off exhaust) and can be seen in many different colors, especially by people who are clairvoyant, sensitive or have the gift of seeing another person’s aura. Researchers and scientists from around the world have long been fascinated with the Human Energy Field and the direct correlation with the human aura. What color is your aura? What kind of color and vibration does your aura give off?
Marc will have us exploring and discovering, beyond the 5 Senses in what he refers to as “your spiritual equipment” or “the antennas of life”….. your Aura. As we allow ourselves to develop new sensitivities, move well beyond our “known”senses we begin to see the world around us in a different light. We begin to pay more attention to aspects of our experiences that might have seemed peripheral before. We find ourselves using new language to communicate our new experiences and adventures with common terms like “that energy was great” I am getting a “bad vibe” from this person, I “feel” that my friend is sick, or I just “know” that to be the right decision. This is also known as your Auraic energy.
“Explore the Unknown…See the Unseen in 2018!” ~The Intuitive Prospector
Marc Lainhart is an internationally distinguished, British trained and tested Spiritual Psychic-Medium. Marc’s work as a Radio Show Host, Hiking Guide, Certified Scuba Diver, Metaphysical Teacher, Holistic Healer, Inspirational Thought Leader, Certified Healthcare Provider, and Writer are to serve, heal, guide, teach, transform, and inspire others in connecting to spirit, self, and this wonderful world around us! With his own Near Death Experience (NDE) and several personal tragedies, Marc has spent the last several years deciphering and demystifying the sensational subject matter of death and dying, and now strives to help others from around the world tap into and flex their own intuitive muscles and abilities. “Spiritual Prospecting for Spiritual Gold!”
Website: MarcLainhart.com
OM TIMES CALL-IN LINES: 202-570-7057
QUESTIONS???: Ask to join as an “Inspired Listener” and post a question on our closed Facebook page: INSPIRED LIVING RADIO

Wednesday Jun 27, 2018
What Are Past Lives and Why Should We Care with Mary Gleason
Wednesday Jun 27, 2018
Wednesday Jun 27, 2018
Aired Wednesday, 27 June 2018, 3:00 PM ET
What Are Past Lives and Why Should We Care with Mary Gleason
Join us for another “Wisdom Wednesday” of INSPIRED LIVING RADIO as we discuss “WHAT ARE PAST LIVES AND WHY SHOULD WE CARE” with special guest Mary Gleason.
U.S. LINES – OM TIMES RADIO: 1-202-570-7057
INTERNATIONAL QUESTIONS: Post a question on our closed Facebook page: INSPIRED LIVING RADIO
“You are the Inspired and the Inspiration!” ~ILR
Over ten years ago, Mary became very ill from worry and overwhelm. Her physical and mental health were barely functioning. The only way to recover was to let go of everything. She let go her job, the constant worry and even food. She observed a total elimination diet that took four years to gradually rebuild. All this was so she could begin the healing process.
Convinced that Western medicine would eventually kill her, she set out to learn a better, more holistic way to heal and to live. She worked with an Ayurveda practitioner who supported her on all levels: physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional. During this recovery period, Mary meditated twice a day. In the silence she began to receive so many messages, to “know” so many things, hear from passed loved ones, meet her spirit guides and that’s when it hit her: this is how she used to live! Somewhere along the way she stopped listening to her own inner wisdom. Life was happening from outside of her, not from within. Determined to not take this ability for granted anymore, she found a teacher and mentor to learn language, concepts, and practices so she could call on this gift proactively and to live life more consciously. Today Mary is healthy, so grateful for the experience, and now working with others to discover how to discover and live into their best self.
Mary Gleason is a professional psychic providing intuitive readings for over ten years. Mary is also a registered hypnotherapist with the National Guild of Hypnotists with a special focus on past life regressions (PLR), spirit guide journeys, soul retrieval, behavioral changes, crime victim recall, and more. Additionally, Mary has received training in Usui Reiki Levels I & II.
Website: www.MaryGleason.Life
Email: Mary@MaryGleason.Life

Wednesday Jun 20, 2018
Hemp Plant Awareness with Marc Lainhart
Wednesday Jun 20, 2018
Wednesday Jun 20, 2018
Aired Wednesday, 20 June 2018, 3:00 PM ET
Hemp Plant Awareness with Marc Lainhart
Join us for another “Wisdom Wednesday” of INSPIRED LIVING RADIO as Marc discusses the history and healing properties of the amazing and ancient HEMP plant.
U.S. LINES – OM TIMES RADIO: 1-202-570-7057
INTERNATIONAL QUESTIONS: Post a question on our closed Facebook page: INSPIRED LIVING RADIO
Marc’s national “Hemp Awareness” team is growing and now includes Seattle, Portland, and Denver! If you are interested in wanting to learn more (or join Marc’s Team!) about the “long” history of this amazing, healing and ancient hemp plant WITHOUT psychoactive highs while being LEGAL in all 50 states, please visit Marc’s site at: Awareness.PrimeMyBody.com or contact Marc directly at: mjlainhart@comcast.net
“I am loving what the HEMP product is doing for me in managing daily chronic pain and getting my nervous system working as it should through ‘Homeostasis’. I also love that I can help and assist others through ‘Hemp Awareness’ and my personal business philosophy of:
*Live YOUR Life!”
“Your Health is YOUR Wealth!” ~Marc Lainhart
Why Nano-Emulsification Hemp Oil: https://youtu.be/Fo-cDL4GNmo

Wednesday Jun 13, 2018
Wednesday Jun 13, 2018
Aired Wednesday, 13 June 2018, 3:00 PM ET
Ascension, Multi-Dimensional New Earth, Receive Activations, Higher Consciousness, Physical Body Ascension
INTERNET RADIO – Join us this “WISDOM WEDNESDAY” at 12pm PST / 1PM MT / 2pm CST/ 3pm EST on INSPIRED LIVING RADIO with Lisa Transcendence Brown
TOPIC: Ascension, Multi-Dimensional New Earth, Receive Activations, Higher Consciousness, Physical Body Ascension
Listen live: http://omtimes.com/iom/shows/inspired-living/
Lisa Transcendence Brown, B.Msc., is a globally recognized Author, Transformational Speaker, Teacher, Coach, WayShower/Guide, New Earth Physical Ascension & Empowerment Guide assisting others in Awakening To Remembering fully and Living Mastery from within. As an embodied Ascended Master & Ancient Key-Code-Holder for NEW Earth, dedicated and fully in-service, she brings forth highest consciousness wisdom and knowledge to empower all ready to embrace their own Quantum Existence now.
As a highly respected visionary, sage, oracle, and re-educator through Highest Consciousness Existence, Lisa is regarded as an expert on our Plasma Crystalline LightBody Evolution, Multi-Dimensional Consciousness/Energy Mastery and Living Our Super Quantum NEW Earth Existence NOW. She shares from her own experiences and works through the Unified Field as Love with a focus on transformation and expansion beyond one’s current physical reality. All of her works are Light Encoded to activate and raise the vibrational frequency of those who receive and to assist with the Evolution of HUmanity through Global Consciousness re-education too.
She holds a Bachelors of Metaphysical Science (B.Msc.) from the University of Metaphysical Sciences and is the author of two world-renowned books: “Awakening to Remembering: A Journey of Consciousness” and “Navigating Dimensions: Reminders for Remembering, Awakening & Ascension Guide Book” with several more on the way!
Website: www.awakeningtoremembering.com/
Youtube: www.youtube.com/channel/UCMjNcLW4NShaB_gNoW1UZQg/videos

Wednesday May 23, 2018
Learn How To Use Crystals
Wednesday May 23, 2018
Wednesday May 23, 2018
Aired Wednesday, 23 May 2018, 3:00 PM ET
Learn How To Use Crystals
INTERNET RADIO – Join us this “WISDOM WEDNESDAY” at 12pm PST / 1PM MT / 2pm CST/ 3pm EST on INSPIRED LIVING RADIO with guests and crystal experts Heather Askinosie and Timmi Jandro.
TOPIC: Book: Crystal Muse, Everyday Rituals to Tune Into The Real You.
Listen live: http://omtimes.com/iom/shows/inspired-living/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/energymuse/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/energymuse
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/energymuse/
Website: www.energymuse.com
Link to purchase book: https://www.amazon.com/Crystal-Muse-Everyday-Rituals-Tune/dp/1401952380
Crystal Muse, Everyday Rituals to Tune into the Real You explores how you can help transform life’s challenges into opportunities for growth equipped with the right crystals and mindset. Throughout Crystal Muse, Heather and Timmi share their personal stories on the path toward alternative practice, and explain how these remedies can work for the reader’s life.
Energy Muse co-founders, Heather Askinosie and Timmi Jandro are not only business partners, but have known each other since the age of six. In 2000, the two founded Energy Muse with the mission to educate and reconnect the world to the ancient wisdom and healing properties of crystals. It has since become an industry leader in wearable energies, providing tools of empowerment, inspiration, and hope in the tangible form of jewelry and crystals.
Co-founder, Heather Askinosie is a leading influencer on the power of crystals, Feng Shui, and holistic healing. For over 28 years, she has had the privilege of studying with the best healers from all over the world, who have passed down ancient teachings on how to utilize energy technology. Heather did not always start out on the spiritual path, however.
After graduating from Arizona State University with a BA in Communications and Business, Heather worked in real estate, selling high-end homes in Manhattan Beach. Although she was making a lot of money, she was not happy and fulfilled. When a client asked Heather for a home with good Feng Shui, she researched it, originally just to make a sale, but it ended up introducing her to the world of energies. Heather is a skeptic at heart and believes in producing results, which lead to her years of studying and research that backs Energy Muse today.
Co-founder, Timmi Jandro, uses her 12 years of sales experience in the garment industry to focus on the growth and development side of Energy Muse. She graduated from University of Southern California with a BA in Business and worked selling to big box retailers such as Walmart, JC Penney’s, and more. Timmi was burnt out and not feeling like herself when Heather introduced her to crystals, and she began working on the business side of Energy Muse. It wasn’t until a few years ago when a family crisis caused the crystals to really come alive for Timmi in a deeper way and heal her.
Together, Heather and Timmi’s unique combination of business and energy healing backgrounds creates the perfect balance for providing expertise to their clientele.