
Thursday Apr 09, 2015
Exploring God as Eros
Thursday Apr 09, 2015
Thursday Apr 09, 2015
Aired Thursday, 9 April 2015, 4:00 PM ET
Christianity has emphasized the shame and guilt of our sexual needs and desires so much that even those who are religious or Christian are still wonder if a person of faith can legitimately celebrate sexual pleasure and sexual freedom? But the Rev. Beverly Dale challenges all sex negativity with a different view of the Christian message. She says it is time to celebrate the sexual body!
About Guest Rev. Dr. Beverly Dale
The Rev. Dr. Beverly Dale, is an ordained Christian clergy in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) and a graduate of Chicago Theological Seminary. She has spent most of her thirty years of ministry helping people reconnect their spirits and their bodies and confronting sex-negativity in the Christian church and wider culture. “Rev Bev” was an ecumenical campus minister at the University of Pennsylvania for over two decades where she became aware of the issues and struggles for young adults both in the ‘hook up culture’ and in the sexual minority communities. An artist and writer, she wrote, produced and performed in a one-woman show and is now completing her sexual & spiritual memoir, Sex Without Apology, Becoming a Sex-Positive Person of Faith in a Sex-Negative Culture. Her activism as a public theologian continues as the founder of the Incarnation Institute for Sex & Faith, a non-profit that teaches an inclusive, science-friendly, sex-positive Christianity.

Thursday Apr 02, 2015
Sexuality in Hip Hop Music and Culture with Kitty Pride
Thursday Apr 02, 2015
Thursday Apr 02, 2015
Aired Thursday, 2 April 2015, 4:00 PM ET
Hip Hop is a cultural phenomenon that has inspired the entire world. Even with its inspiration, it has been controversial with sexually suggestive and misogynistic lyrics and imagery that has caused concerned for many people. However, at the same time, Hip Hop has been a culture that has been organized without further understanding of sexuality and how it affects, stimulates, and fits in. Kitty Pride will offer her synopsis of the history of sexuality in Hip Hop, where it is currently, and where she would like to see it go in the future. She will offer insight on how Hip Hop culture can be educated while influencing tolerance and responsibility.
About Guest Kitty Pride
LeKeisha Jones, B.A., L.M.T., affectionately known as Kitty Pride, is a sexologist, poet, sex blogger, and body worker that specializes in reproductive and sexual wellness. Kitty Pride received her pen name from a friend after performing several times at Apache Café in Atlanta, Georgia for her unexpectedly bold poetry. She is a recent graduate from Ashford University where she received her Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology with highest honors. Kitty has been studying sexuality for almost 13 years with the intention to demystify, enlighten, educate, and empower through philosophy, history, spirituality, and science.
Currently Kitty Pride is a candidate for the Masters of Social Work at Boston University and is a proud student at Sex Coach U. She plans to further her career in the sexology field as a sex therapist and educator with hopes of attending the Institute for Advanced Study of Human Sexuality.
Website: http://sexbykittypride.com/
Twitter and Instagram: @sexbykittypride
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sexbykittypride

Thursday Mar 26, 2015
Receptivity: Stop Blocking Yourself with Sally Reeves Conway
Thursday Mar 26, 2015
Thursday Mar 26, 2015
Receptivity: Stop Blocking Yourself and Finally Get What You Want with Sally Reeves Conway
Aired Thursday, 26 March 2015, 4:00 PM ET
Have you ever prayed, wished, asked, or worked for something–(whether with love, money, health, happiness, or spiritual connection)— and it’s gotten so close, but didn’t quite come to realization for you?
Many people have a difficult time fully receiving, and you could be unknowingly blocking all the good that’s trying to come to you. Discover 3 easy tools you can use to increase your ability to receive more of what your heart desires.
About Guest Sally Reeves Conway
She teaches women to embody their authentic feminine power— so they can get out of the struggle and attract the quality of love they desire, get the respect they deserve, & make the money they need to take good care of themselves.
She also works with couples, teens, and men –giving them tools to stay centered in their power and not get pulled out of balance by others so they can make the best choices for themselves, attract what they want in life, and have healthier relationships.
Contact Sally at: SallyConway@hotmail.com
Social Link: https://www.facebook.com/theartoffemininepresence.sally

Thursday Mar 19, 2015
Authentic Sexuality and Sacred Kink with Lee Harrington
Thursday Mar 19, 2015
Thursday Mar 19, 2015
Aired Thursday, 19 March 2015, 4:00 PM ET
With the fictionalized story of 50 Shades having caught the public eye, let’s examine the rich and surprising crossover of authentic kinky sex with sacred journeys. How can we use these real-life tools for deep connection with self and others while following our own personal truths. Join us for a thoughtful and exciting discussion with spirituality and sexuality teacher and author Lee Harrington.
About Guest Lee Harrington
Lee Harrington is an internationally known spiritual and erotic authenticity educator, gender explorer, eclectic artist and award-winning author and editor on human erotic and sacred experience. He’s been traveling the globe (from Seattle to Sydney, Berlin to Boston), teaching and talking about sexuality, psychology, faith, and desire, and is grateful for the journeys and love he has found along the way. He has been an academic and a female adult film performer, outspoken philosopher, sexuality podcaster, kink and bondage expert, and has been blogging about sex and spirituality since 1998. His books include “Sacred Kink: The Eightfold Paths of BDSM and Beyond,” “More Shibari You Can Use: Passionate Rope Bondage and Intimate Connection,” and more. You can learn about Lee’s work at: PassionAndSoul.com

Thursday Mar 12, 2015
Transcendent Lovemaking ™ with Rob & Janelle Alex PhD
Thursday Mar 12, 2015
Thursday Mar 12, 2015
Aired Thursday, 12 March 2015, 4:00 PM ET
Your sex life can become a gateway to spirit and to guidance from beyond. Synchronistic events, serendipities, heightened confidence, enhanced creativity, improved problem-solving skills – all of these can begin to show up in your daily life when you experience Transcendent Lovemaking™ with intent. Join us as spirituality and relationship experts, Drs. Rob & Janelle Alex, Ph.D., share with you how you can begin to experience this.
About Guests Rob & Janelle Alex PhD
Experts in sacred and sensual relationships, Drs. Rob & Janelle Alex, Ph.D. are the co-founders of The Spiritual Peak Center, the Authors Talk About It podcast, and Mission Date Night podcast and adventures. Together they are the best selling authors of Sexy Challenges: Sacred and Sensual Experiences for Lovers. They have also authored the Intimate Adventure series, Collaborate with Your Soul, Inspiring Couples In Business & In Love, and more. Passionate about Intimate Wealth™, Money Magic, Sacred & Sexy Power Animals™, and Transcendent Lovemaking ™ Rob and Janelle thrive on sharing these messages and teachings with the world.

Friday Mar 06, 2015
Feminine, Present & Spiritual
Friday Mar 06, 2015
Friday Mar 06, 2015
Aired Thursday, 5 March 2015, 4:00 PM ET
Is it possible to be feminine, present and spiritual all at the time time? During this interview you will learn from Rachael Jayne Groover:
~ The link between feeling feminine, present, powerful and being spiritual
~ The four most important keys to creating a powerful feminine presence that magnetizes people to you.
~ How to go from being shy or afraid of putting yourself “out there,” to being able to feel your fear, and not have it stop you anymore!
~ Feel more confident with receiving positive attention
About Guest Rachael Jayne Groover
An accomplished singer/songwriter from Australia, Rachael Jayne Groover overcame stage-fright and enormous fear of rejection to become an award-winning vocalist, and finished her full-time singing career performing to a live audience of 40,000 people. She became an inspirational speaker and personal development trainer, and has authored the best-selling book “Powerful and Feminine: How to Increase your Magnetic Presence and Attract the Attention You Want.” Creator of The Art of Feminine Presence classes and trainings that are offered worldwide, by herself and over 150 certified teachers working with her. She founded The YIN Project and the Feminine Spirituality and Leadership Institute – initiatives that work with women on the importance of the feminine principle in intimate relationships, leadership, and in shifting global consciousness.
To find out more about the Art of Feminine Presence events and teacher trainings go to: www.ArtofFemininePresence.com
To receive free weekly video training on presence, purpose and practical spirituality from Rachael Jayne go to: www.RachaelJayne.com

Friday Feb 27, 2015
The Five Keys to A Happy Sex Life
Friday Feb 27, 2015
Friday Feb 27, 2015
Aired Thursday, 26 February 2015, 4:00 PM ET
Dr. Patti will share her unique model for unblocking the stuck places in your sex life. She will share her approach using the “MEBES matrix” so that you can identify where you are stuck and move past those issues in your own life. She will also describe examples of people she has helped and reveal the magic she has brought into people’s lives as the pioneer of sex coaching in the world.
About Guest Dr. Patti Britton
Dr. Patti Britton is a Clinical Sexologist, Sexuality Educator and Master Sex Coach with top level credentials. As a well-respected pioneer and leader in the field of sexology, she is the author of hundreds of articles, four amazing books, and is former columnist for Penthouse Forum. Dr. Patti is a Your Tango expert, popular speaker, sought-after trainer and workshop leader, blogs on her own websites and hosts over 40 DVDs for women’s and couples’ sexual enhancement. Her media record includes appearances on national television shows, documentaries, live talk and news radio, and with frequent quotes in magazines, such as Cosmopolitan, Men’s Health, Women’s Health, Glamour, Men’s Fitness, WebMD, AOL Health. She has a private practice in Los Angeles and via Skype globally. Dr. Patti is the Co-Founder of SexCoachU, the world’s premier credentialing and training institute for sex coaching. She is the author of a female-friendly erotic novel and a famous Idiot’s Guide on Sensual Massage. She co-hosts a dynamic new weekly radio show for the boomer generation at: TheBoomDoctors.com. Dr. Patti believes that women and men have a divine birthright to express their authentic sexual self.
Websites: Drpattibritton.com; sexcoachu.com
Social Media: about.me/drpattibritton
Twitter: @DrPattiBritton
FB: facebook.com/sexcoachpattibritton

Friday Feb 20, 2015
From Sex to Super Consciousnesses with Lorae Lauritch
Friday Feb 20, 2015
Friday Feb 20, 2015
From Sex to Super Consciousnesses – Turning Ordinary Lovemaking into Sexual Meditation
Aired Thursday, 19 February 2015, 4:00 PM ET
What is sexual meditation? How is Sexual meditation different than love making? And can sexual meditation really help us become enlightened beings? Join us for an inspiring conversation blending modern psychology, ancient wisdom and real life spirituality with Sacred Sexuality Coach Lorae Lauritch, CSB.
About Guest Lorae Lauritch
Lorae’s lifelong journey has been one of exploring sexuality, spirituality and the relationship that both have with our bodies, our health and our connections with the world. Her early exposure to yoga and metaphysics, supported by studies in sexology & alternative healing brings fresh and alternative insights to our western view of sexual interaction & making love. She maintains a practice in Sacred Sexuality Coaching, incorporating breathwork, guided visualization, energy & sound healing, sexological body and pelvic release work ardently believing “the laying on of hands” creates healing. As an advocate for holistic sexuality, Lorae conducts private sessions for individuals and couples, does workshops, public speaking and media events on tantra/sacred sexuality education.
For great relationship advice, free, tune into “Intimacy, Tantra & Relationships Psychically Fulfilled”@ www.spiritualimageproductions.com/Intimacy_Tantra_and_Relationships_Psychically_Fulfilled where Lorae is one of the expert panelists.

Friday Feb 06, 2015
Owning Your Powerful Sexuality to Manifest Money
Friday Feb 06, 2015
Friday Feb 06, 2015
Aired Thursday, 5 February 2015, 4:00 PM ET
As woman we are biologically driven to create. Unfortunately most women are energetically disconnected from their creative force, their sexuality today. How can we utilise this powerful life force/sexual energy to create financial abundance in our life? How can we as woman feel sensual, alive and juicy and be a feminine leader in our field of expertise?
About Guest Diana Bonwick
Diana Bonwick is the creator of Woman, Sexuality & Financial Abundance. She supports conscious women in business to create abundance in a uniquely feminine way. She does this by helping them to align their business to their personal energetic flow as woman.
“We desperately need enlightened women entrepreneurs to shine their light in the world to today. However to support the finely tuned body system of a women we need to do it our way. This has become the passion of my life, to offer a way for women to be highly productive and financially successful and feel alive, sensual and juicy whilst enjoying their role as a feminine leader in their field of expertise.” – Diana Bonwick
Website: http://dianabonwick.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dianabonwick

Friday Jan 30, 2015
Tantra: Can Sex be a Spiritual Path?
Friday Jan 30, 2015
Friday Jan 30, 2015
Aired Thursday, 29 January 2015, 4:00 PM ET
What is tantra? Can tantra sex be a spiritual path? This show explores that with Laurie Handlers, film producer, sex educator and the author of Sex & Happiness: The Tantric Laws of Intimacy.
About Guest Laurie Handlers
Laurie Handlers is a film producer, sex educator and the author of Sex & Happiness: The Tantric Laws of Intimacy. Through her company Butterfly Workshops, Laurie Handlers offers sexual health and awareness courses plus leadership and expansion courses for corporations and individuals throughout the world. Laurie Handlers hosts a weekly radio show Sex and Happiness where she discusses all topics about sex. One of her erotic short stories is featured in new Amazon Best Seller ‘Lovers: An Erotic Collection of Short Stories and Prose.’