
Monday Jul 06, 2015
The New Energy of Empowerment
Monday Jul 06, 2015
Monday Jul 06, 2015
Aired Sunday, 5 July 2015, 2:00 PM ET
Allayah welcomes Nancy Oakes to discuss the effect of the Divine Mother’s energy descending into the NOW. Nancy is passionate about the return of the sacred feminine energy and the power it brings to women and to those oppressed by the old paradigms of the patriarchal religions. With Allayah, she will discuss her belief in the sanctity of the “Third Gender”. Further conversation will explore the energy of the Great Mothers returning as healing for all oppressed people.
About Guest Nancy Oakes
Nancy Oakes is the Founder and CEO of the Spiritual Life Style Wellness Center in Texas. As well, she is the author of Love to the Light, The Ancestors Led Us!,and A Spiritual Guide To Living In The “Fifth World” as a featured columnist for OM Times Magazine (http://omtimes.com/ and http://omtimes.com/our-team/our-team-3/nancy-oakes/). Nancy provides life coaching for healthy living, based on Remembering Who You Are, and Reconnecting – A Life Free of Addiction.
Besides her life coaching activities, Nancy lectures on our reconnection to the Goddess – “CREATRESS”, Sophia, Wisdom, for personal empowerment, and believes that now, as the Great Mother returns, humanity’s hearts will be filled with love. She believes we are living in the “Fifth World”, a time of great peace and love based on many indigenous elders’ prophesies, and that this new level of higher consciousness for humanity signifies that we have arrived in the new era. Thus with love, Nancy believes, the new thriving communities will include women and the Third Gender and, therefore, millions of people will be added to our society, where in the past they were rejected, often oppressed, and even murdered. As an ally for the LGTB community, Nancy also serves as an activist towards the healing of the “Sacred Third Gender”.
You can read more about Nancy, her work, and the Spiritual Life Style Wellness Center by visiting her website at: http://lovetothelight.weebly.com/. Nancy’s new book Return of Sophia, Mother of the Universe: Ushering In A Renewal of Sacred Gifts is available on Amazon at: http://goo.gl/RyCzlZ

Monday Jun 29, 2015
Celebrating Our Loved Ones in Spirit
Monday Jun 29, 2015
Monday Jun 29, 2015
Aired Sunday, 28 June 2015, 2:00 PM ET
Circle of Hearts Radio is pleased to welcome Luke Danskin to this Show. This week’s show is jam-packed with interesting aspects of Spiritual communications with your loved ones beyond the veil. Allayah will discuss our natural ability to communicate with loved ones and friends who has passed into spirit. To deal with the “other side” as a medium is an important task as a healer as it can bring reassurance, comfort and closure to those that are still in bereavement.
The intention behind this show is to bring useful information and also to help as many of the listeners understand that we must celebrate the lives of our loved ones.
About Guest Luke Danskin
Scotland’s “Rising Star Psychic Medium” Luke Danskin is the next big sensation that is captivating the spiritual world. Growing up Luke never told anyone about his ability to see and communicate with the spirit world. Dealing with Loss of his own close loved ones and with the encouragement of his cousin he opened up about the ability he has and continued to develop his gift.
After several private readings and honing his psychic medium-ship skills, the demand for Luke grew beyond belief and now he has an extensive waiting list around the world.
Although Luke’s live shows are full of emotion, his natural warmth and endearing personality makes audiences feel completely at ease. Passionate in encouraging people to celebrate the lives of loved ones, laughter is a common theme at Luke’s shows.
Since taking to the stage, Luke has “sold out” every single live show he has ever performed. Audiences are left utterly speechless at his capability to give detailed messages with amazing accuracy. Luke’s waiting list for private readings is over 4 ½ years long. In November of 2015, Luke Danskin will be coming to the United States for his first American tour
Website: www.lukedanskin.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/lukedanskinpsychicmedium
Twitter: www.twitter.com/LukeDanskin

Sunday Jun 21, 2015
Heart to Soul Talks with Charlie Riverman
Sunday Jun 21, 2015
Sunday Jun 21, 2015
Aired Sunday, 21 June 2015, 2:00 PM ET
In the Circle Of Hearts Radio this week, Grandmother Allayah welcomes Charlie ‘Riverman’ Bergeron, a self-described Earthangel and a Near Death Experiencer, an event which changed the course of his life. Allayah and Charlie will share their Wisdom and insights from the heart, discussing the understanding of Soul experiences, healing and everything Spiritual.
About Guest Charlie ‘Riverman’ Bergeron
From early childhood, Charlie ‘Riverman’ Bergeron was aware of Spirit Energy, a facet of himself which dismayed others in his tribe. In order to survive, he adopted earthly human programming, and “created many different egos” in which he “could play the games that the programming required”, some of which are still required for functioning in the physical world. After a motorcycle accident in 1991 resulted in death – or, more commonly, a ‘Near Death Experience’ (NDE) – however, Charlie was returned to the light, to Source, and thus experienced a realignment.
The NDE initiated a dramatic transformation, which was not in accord with anything he had ever previously imagined, and which opened a world of unlimited possibilities. His journey from rewiring his brain, to being able to function rationally, and his open connection to what might be loosely called ‘Other Dimensions of Existence’, has been, he exclaims, “beyond even my own belief… I receive information and guidance which is beyond my former abilities, in order to share with others as they open their hearts and begin to see life differently.”
As a Spiritual Recovery Facilitator, using the energies of Usui Reiki and New Paradigm Multidimensional Transformation (formerly called Shamballa Multidimensional Healing), Charlie ‘Riverman’ Bergeron says, “Our ability to reclaim our Spirit and transform the physical manifestation of who we think we are is unlimited. However, we need to reach a point of where Love vs. Fear is only an opposition of energy. We can then know that Fear is always a backdrop unless we choose to focus on it.”
Charlie’s practice includes work as: Spiritual Recovery Facilitator; A Course In Miracles Facilitator; Usui Reiki Master/Teacher; NPDT Master and 13 D Healer; 9 Rites of Munay-Ki (Earthkeeper); Near Death Experiencer; EarthAngel; LightWorker; Crystal Skull Guardian; Published Poet & Photographer; and Custom Woodworker.

Sunday Jun 14, 2015
The Unintentional Enlightenment of an Uptight Man
Sunday Jun 14, 2015
Sunday Jun 14, 2015
Aired Sunday, 14 June 2015, 2:00 PM ET
On Circle of Hearts Radio this week, Grandmother Allayah Interviews the Jersey Yogi. The Jersey Yogi, Jim Starr, was one of those uptight people who found that balance. With their informal conversations they will talk about his personal journey of transformation and how a sport injury ultimately led to great blessings in his life. From his computer terminal, immersed in the rules of software, he went to the Himalayas where the rules are non-negotiable. From the Jersey Shore to the Ganges River and back. Jim traded his pocket protector and the quest to become a programming genius, for serenity, purpose, peace and enlightenment. Don’t miss this enlightening discussion where great topics will be conversed: The terms “Jersey” and “Yogi” will be explained as the two aspects of human life, the karmic and the spiritual. Enlightenment will be discussed as a process rather than a final state.
Circle of hearts radio is a sanctuary on the airwaves where you can reach the spiritual information to enlighten your life and brighten your soul.
About Guest Jim Starr
Jim Starr is an author, philosopher, certified Rolfer and avid student of the human condition. Currently residing in Colorado, he is also a computer programmer, hospice volunteer and amateur musician. A Rutgers graduate and true native of New Jersey, Starr plays plenty of handball and has won the Colorado state championship in his age division numerous times. He has lived the story of Jersey Yogi: The Unintentional Enlightenment of an Uptight Man, (www.JerseyYogi.com).

Sunday Jun 07, 2015
The Archangel Guide to Ascension
Sunday Jun 07, 2015
Sunday Jun 07, 2015
Aired Sunday, 7 June 2015, 2:00 PM ET
In this week’s show, Grandmother Allayah talks with the extraordinary writer and Spiritual Master Teacher Diana Cooper. Together they will explore all the dimensions of Being; Spiritual evolution and the Angelic participation on Human Ascension process.
The spiritual law is ‘ask and you shall receive’. Diana will talk about how your angel is always listening and if you ask for help (and it is for the highest good) he will assist you. Angels must wait until you ask because you have free will.
Your angels will help you to be safe, to find a parking space, to reach your destination at the correct time, to find something, to heal a relationship and many other things.
The incredible contribution and work of Archangel Raphael will be revealed as He is in charge of the third eye chakra of individuals and the world. Since 2012 Diana Has been sharing information about the twelve planetary chakras including the third eye which is Afghanistan. It needs much healing. As we all heal our own third eye chakras with the help of Archangel Raphael, this will automatically help the planetary one.
He is the healing angel and the angel of abundance.
About Guest Diana Cooper
Diana Cooper received an angel visitation during a time of personal crisis, which changed her life. Author of 22 adult books and 5 children’s books in 27 languages, she has inspired thousands of people to fulfil their spiritual potential. Through her guides and angels she enables people to access their spiritual gifts and also connects them to their own angels, guides, Masters and unicorns. She is well known for her books on angels, ascension, Orbs, unicorns and the new Golden Age. Now she has written Venus, A Diary of a Puppy and her Angel to help people communicate with animals and The Archangel Guide to Ascension to help you access the new high frequency energies that are now available to us.
Diana is the founder of The Diana Cooper Foundation, a not for profit organization which offers certificated spiritual teaching courses throughout the world on Transform your Life, Atlantis, Angels, Unicorns, Orbs and other subjects.

Sunday May 31, 2015
Nurture Your Psychic Gifts – James Van Praagh
Sunday May 31, 2015
Sunday May 31, 2015
Aired Sunday, 31 May 2015, 2:00 PM ET
Allayah welcomes renowned medium James Van Praagh to the Circle of Hearts show. During their minutes together, Allayah will have the opportunity to delve into James’ background, including his first encounter with the spirit world. As the son of a psychic with mediumistic abilities, James Van Praagh inherited his mother’s capabilities… but can anyone “train” themselves to be more psychic? And how might day-to-day life change when we tap into our psychic abilities? James will describe how listeners can become more receptive to receiving guidance from the spirit world, and will address whether working with a spiritual teacher, such as himself, can help someone tune in more clearly to their intuition in order to be more psychic.
As the term ‘Mindfulness’ has hit the mainstream, the idea of tuning into the present moment is being embraced by business consultants, teachers, and health and wellness professionals. James will describe how people can incorporate mindfulness into their lives, as well as the spiritual benefits of doing so. Finally, if time permits, James Van Praagh will lead listeners through one or more exercises of visualization and meditation.
Be sure to tune in for this conversation – not to be missed!
About Guest James Van Praagh
James Van Praagh is a pioneer in the field of mediumship and one of the most celebrated and respected spiritual teachers working today. For over 30 years, he has brought an awareness of communication with the dead into the public psyche. Known as a “survival evidence medium”, James provides evidential proof of life after death via detailed messages from the spiritual realms.
James Van Praagh is the #1 New York Times best-selling author of Talking To Heaven, Reaching To Heaven, Healing Grief, Heaven and Earth, Looking Beyond, Meditations, Ghosts Among Us, Unfinished Business, How to Heal a Grieving Heart, and Adventures of the Soul. His books have found international acclaim with translations into 25 languages in more than 30 countries.
On television, James has appeared on Oprah, Dr. Phil, Larry King Live, 20/20, The View, the Today show, and numerous others. In 2002, he hosted his own television show, Beyond With James Van Praagh, and went on to produce one of the most watched mini-series in CBS network history: Living With the Dead, starring Ted Danson, who portrayed James in a biography of his life. He also developed and produced The Dead Will Tell, as well as Ghost Whisperer, starring Jennifer Love Hewitt. Currently, James Van Praagh can be seen on the web hosting Gaiam TV’s live streaming show Spirit Talk. He can be heard around the world on his weekly radio show, Talking to Spirit, on the Hay House Radio Network.
James keeps in touch with his fans on Facebook and Twitter, and through his blog on VanPraagh.com. He recently launched the James Van Praagh School of Mystical Arts which provides in-depth training, certification, and mentorship to individuals seeking to develop their intuitive and mediumistic skills. James Van Praagh travels around the world leading conferences and workshops on self-development, intuition and mediumship. Through his work, he shares his life experiences and insights so that others will benefit in opening up their hearts and gaining a connection with their spiritual selves.
James says, “My books, seminars, the James Van Praagh School of Mystical Arts, my web site and social media outlets, and my television projects are ways to share my abilities and the message that we all are eternal spirits and the love we create on this earth is what we take with us when it is time to venture back home to the spirit world.”
You can read more about James Van Praagh and his work, and connect with him, at the following web links:

Sunday May 24, 2015
Talking & Walking with Trees – Gina O’Connor
Sunday May 24, 2015
Sunday May 24, 2015
Aired Sunday, 24 May 2015, 2:00 PM ET
Allayah welcomes Gina O’Connor, a practitioner of Peruvian Q’ero Inca Shamanism, Usui Reiki, and Tree and Plant Communication. Gina also incorporates the use of crystals and crystal skulls to enhance communication. Topics on this show will include how Gina fits all these modalities into her work, and which, among these practices, is her particular area of focus. Questions such as “How do Inca Shamans communicate with nature?” and “In what ways can we communicate with nature, and specifically with the trees?” will be answered. Gina will tell listeners what she has learned from these communications, and from trees especially. As well, Allayah and Gina will elaborate upon the reasons why it is so important to communicate with nature and trees – not the least of which is that doing so is, in Gina’s opinion, crucial to continued survival as a species on this planet. “I believe that we as humans can be very arrogant and think that we have all the solutions for ‘saving the planet’,” Gina writes, “but in fact, we do not understand the depth of knowledge and wisdom within the trees, plants, rocks, mountains, stars and spirits to be able to communicate to us what would be effective in living in balance on Mother Earth.” Gina adds, “…the process of communication with the trees or any part of nature is a very personal one and can be done by anyone with dedication, respect, openness and practice over time.” Be sure to listen in for an informative discussion with Allayah and Gina O’Connor.
About Guest Gina O’Connor
Gina O’Connor is an artist, healer, and teacher, whose primary passion and focus in life is to facilitate raising consciousness for herself, others, and her surroundings. Her underlying purpose in healing is to help others to find their creative compass or the inner seed of who they are and what brings them joy in life, without fear of judgment or lack of support. She feels most at home in nature, with animals and the trees, and enjoying creative activities such as painting, pottery, gardening, exploration, and music. Communicating with trees, flowers, stones, mountains, and animals brings her immense happiness, peace, and healing. It is for this reason that she is most drawn to spiritual traditions that have a deep connection, gratitude for, and balance with nature and the environment. She is an apprentice of the Q’ero paqos or shamans of Peru as a Pampamesayoq or Earth healer. She also spends a great deal of time meditating along with present moment awareness practices.
Gina O’Connor’s educational and spiritual background includes: archaeology, art, geology/gemology, world religious traditions, Reiki, Oneness, crystals, crystal skulls, earth energies, art, pottery, painting, and jewelry making. She graduated from the University of Colorado, the University of Tennessee, the University of the Ozarks, and the Gemological Institute of America with Bachelor’s degrees in art, archaeology, and jewelry and a Master’s degree in the comparative study of religious traditions. Gina O’Connor is also an Usui Reiki Master/teacher, a Deeksha/Oneness giver, a specialist in the healing properties of stones and plants. She moved to the Netherlands in 2011 to join her partner, Bart. Together and individually they offer healings, sessions, workshops, and presentations with a variety of spiritual themes. In particular, Gina O’Connor has a strong specialization with the in-depth practice of Inca Shamanism, Tree Healing and Communication, and Crystals.
You can read much more about Gina and Bart’s work at their website: https://www.internationalspiritualexperience.com/

Sunday May 17, 2015
Spiritual Community – Terri Sings With Ravens
Sunday May 17, 2015
Sunday May 17, 2015
Aired Sunday, 17 May 2015, 2:00 PM ET
Allayah welcomes Terri Sings With Ravens Rivera, a healer and singer from a long line of curanderas – female healers. They will be joined by Thomas Johnson Thunder Rock, a rock and fossil expert. On today’s show, they will discuss a recent event held at a mysterious Serpent Mound [http://goo.gl/bLjxjZ] [http://www.serpentmound.org/SeedFestival2015.html]. Why was this event – the Spring Seed and Water Peace Summit – held at the Serpent Mound? How were they able to convene such an event (free to the public) through love offerings only? How did Soaring Eagle Retreat play a role?
As well as discussing this recent event, Allayah – with Terri and Tom – will explore the purpose of The Alternate Universe Center of the Learning Center/Rock Shop in Ohio [http://goo.gl/pyTsNg]. Terri Sings With Ravens will also explain her vision of bringing indigenous elders, chiefs, and teachers to Serpent Mound, and the hopes of building a spiritual community which will honor the land. Finally, they will outline what future events will lend to this ongoing quest.
About Guest Terri Sings With Ravens Rivera
Terri Sings With Ravens Rivera’s ancestral heritage is O’otham (Pima), Aztec, Chilean, and Irish. She comes from a long line of curanderas — female healers — on her father’s side. Her maternal great-grandfather was an Irish/Chilean healer who came to the United States from Chile. He called himself a dentist, but did much healing and curing. At the age of five, Terri Sings With Ravens had a vision of the Lady of Guadalupe. It was this experience that inspired the song ‘My Lady Sings (Grandmother Aurelia’s song)’ from the album Blue Moon. As a singer/songwriter, Terri Sings With Ravens was nominated for a Native American Music Award and came in runner-up in the John Lennon song writing contest.
Terri Sings With Ravens collaborates with other healers to hold spiritual retreats at the Serpent Mound, a site in Southern Ohio. She and her husband Tom (Johnson) own Alternate Universe Learning Center/Rock Shop. (House of Phacops) just three miles from the Serpent Mound State Park and on the southeastern edge of a five-mile wide impact crater. The shop is also sitting on top of a 17.5 km long fault line that is miles deep and is emitting a constant flow of positive energy. Terri has presented at workshops throughout the U.S. and Mexico and has worked with healers from around the world to hold spiritual retreats in various global locations.
The music of Terri Sings With Ravens Rivera can be found at:
Terri’s husband, Thomas Johnson Thunder Rock (Tom), is a rock man from Michigan and has been collecting rocks since he was four years old. Through the 1960s and 70s, he collected a lot around Sylvania, Ohio, in a 350 million year old seabed ninety feet under ground – until the MSHA and OSHA branches of government stopped his activity in 1979 [Mine Safety and Health Administration, Occupational Safety and Health Administration]. Tom then moved to southern Ohio and began collecting from an even older seabed of 438 million years. After many trips around the world to collect and study fossils dating back to 2.7 billion years, in 1984 Thomas Johnson Thunder Rock was recognized for his achievements by the Smithsonian Institution and the National Geographic Society. He has written three books and for many years has lectured on the subject of trilobites and meteor craters. Later this summer, Tom’s recent work on the Serpent Mound and adjoining meteor crater will air on the Ancient Aliens segment of television’s History channel. He has previously appeared on Ancient Aliens and the Old West along with Chief Golden Light Eagle/Standing Elk.

Sunday May 10, 2015
Shekina’s Light Language Love Transmission
Sunday May 10, 2015
Sunday May 10, 2015
Aired Sunday, 10 May 2015, 2:00 PM ET
Allayah welcomes Shekina Rose, described as a Blue Ray Starseed, Channel of the Blue Ray, Language of Light Harmonic Vocalist of the Ancient Solfeggio Frequencies, and the Angelic Messenger of Shekinah. During the show, Allayah and Shekina Rose will discuss the concept of the Language of Light (or the Ancient Solfeggio Miracle Frequencies), and examine why this is important information at this time in history. Shekina Rose will describe why she channels Mother Goddess Shekinah, and the message that she receives. Conversation will also touch upon the Blue Ray Starseeds – who are they and what is their mission on this planet? Be sure to tune in for this conversation.
About Guest Shekina Rose
Shekina Rose is a Priestess of Light, Messenger of Mother Goddess SHEKINAH, and Channel of the Blue Ray Transmissions. As a member of the Sedona Cosmic Choir, she performs as the Language of Light Harmonic Vocalist. She sings, tones, chants and speaks in the 528 Hz Ancient Solfeggio Frequencies in the Language of Light – the Language of the Angels which activates the Divine Original Blueprint.
Shekina does not consider herself to be a singer, but sings and tones only to bring in the Language of Light, the Holy Frequencies of Creation. This attuning was instigated through a near death experience, when she was enveloped by the comforting presence of the Holy Spirit – an all-encompassing Light that created within her a vibrational attunement in order to be able to receive and understand the sacred sounds of the Language of Light and Creation.
Science has analyzed Shekina’s voice and a physicist verified that not only do her vocals contain the whole lost scale of the ancient Solfeggio frequency of 528 Hz (Love, Transformation and Miracles – DNA Repair), they also include the breakthrough mathematical equations of creation by scientist Mark Rodin. These Lost Ancient Secret Solfeggio frequencies contain mystical healing power of transcendence and instant healing.
The Six Solfeggio Frequencies include:
UT – 396 Hz – Liberating Guilt and Fear
RE – 417 Hz – Undoing Situations and Facilitating Change
MI – 528 Hz – Transformation and Miracles (DNA Repair)
FA – 639 Hz – Connecting/Relationships
SOL – 741 Hz – Expression/Solutions
LA – 852 Hz – Awakening Intuition
Shekina Rose has produced CDs, which are:
“Language of Light 528 Hz LOVE, MIRACLE & DNA REPAIR”; and “Archangels Protection, Clearing & Love Attunement Chamber”
These CDs, as well as “Language of Light StarGate Pendants and Wands” (and contact info for Soul readings and Language of Light reconnections), can be found at Shekina Rose’s website: http://shekinaspeaks.com
If you’d like to hear a sample of her “Language of the Angels”, you can watch on YouTube at: http://goo.gl/t30CAY
Much more information, light language, and singing can be found at: http://goo.gl/RyaQfn

Sunday May 03, 2015
Enlightened Messengers – Two Special Guests
Sunday May 03, 2015
Sunday May 03, 2015
Aired Sunday, 3 May 2015, 2:00 PM ET
Taking advantage of the powerful spiritual energies of the Wesak full moon on May 3rd, Allayah welcomes two guests to the show for an hour of spontaneous discussion. Chief Golden Light Eagle/Standing Elk (Chief Golden Eagle, for brevity) and Grandma Chandra will share their messages about star beings, and about the new crystal children. As an indigenous elder, Chief Golden Eagle offers a unique perspective on the topic of Star People Visitors. Grandma Chandra, a multi-dimensional being, overcomes severe physical challenges to telepathically provide healing, and advice for removing obstacles to Ascension.
About Guests Chief Golden Eagle & Grandma Chandra
Chief Golden Eagle is a Yankton Sioux Chief and Star Altar Keeper (the Yankton Sioux Reservation is in South Dakota on the banks of the Missouri River), and is a member of the Dakota Ihunktowan Band. As in many indigenous communities, there has been a profound loss of sacred songs, dances and ceremonies, the language, and all the components which were formerly such a profound part of the culture. Chief Golden Eagle, via years of prayer, fasting, and ceremony, has helped to preserve aspects including interpretations of Star Law to help guide through what is called “The Age of Coyote” or “The Age of Aquarius”. As such, he calls together Star Knowledge Conferences to share this wisdom and knowledge, where elders and spiritual teachers share their special tribal knowledge about the Star People Visitors, from a Native American Perspective. According to Chief Golden Eagle, the year of 1947 saw the crashes of 18 UFOs from ten separate races of star beings; all carried identical symbols. These symbols have since been interpreted by Chief Golden Eagle and other medicine men, resulting in a new alphabet which has been found effective in communicating not only with Star Beings, but also with whales and dolphins.
Writing under the name Standing Elk, Chief Golden Light Eagle/Standing Elk has co-authored:
MAKA WICAHPI WICOHAN, The Universal and Spiritual Laws of Creator;
ANPAO WICAHPI WICOHAN, The Way of Morning Star;
IKTOMI WICAHPI WICOHAN, The Universal and Spiritual Laws of Universal Mother; and
CAN WAKAN WICOHAN, The Way of the Sacred Tree.
You can find many videos of Chief Golden Light Eagle/Standing Elk on the Internet; here is the link to one in which the Chief describes his dream for the earth: http://goo.gl/7kLEzl
Grandma Chandra is a unique multi-dimensional being, living in a severely physically challenged body – an experienced, creative, and trusted advisor who works telepathically to remove obstacles to the Ascension, while supporting clients with their physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. From a very young age, Chandra displayed unique gifts and abilities. Visitors to Grandma Chandra have experienced tears of cleansing as blockages are released. She works not only with the clients, but also simultaneously with Angels, Benevolent Extraterrestrials, other Sentient Beings (such as dolphins and whales), and with Guides and Ascended Masters, accessing information from other dimensions and communicating this knowledge telepathically. Clients have sometimes found that Grandma visits them in their dream states before they meet in the physical realm. When performing readings, Grandma Chandra “reads” written texts through her fingertips, and recounts how the information pertains to a client. She also has complete access to the Akashic Records.
During presentations around the United States, Grandma Chandra began to open star gates, the non-physical portals through which only those beings of highest vibration might pass, to assist the planet. However, Chandra says: “If we do not ask them, they cannot come; even though we all have contracted to awaken to our codes and allow them to assist us. We must ask.”
You can read much more about Grandma Chandra and her services and products at her website:http://www.grandmachandra.com
You can connect via her Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/grandmachandra
If you would like to see examples of her at work, you may do so on YouTube at:https://www.youtube.com/user/grandmachandra11