
Sunday Dec 13, 2015
Heart to Soul Talk
Sunday Dec 13, 2015
Sunday Dec 13, 2015
Aired Sunday, 13 December 2015, 2:00 PM ET
Both Charlie and I start our series of spontaneous guidance talks from Spirit called Heart to Soul. Circumstances were designed by the Universe that a scheduled show was not to be, instead we were guided to offer this hour of light and Spirit in a very tired and worn world. Please join us and we offer seeds of love and light from our hearts to yours.
About the Guest Charlie-the riverman-Bergeron
After a life altering Death experience, Charlie returned to this incarnation very changed. He has integrated his souls higher purpose of service to all life forms on this planet. This radient soul of so many talents offers Soul filled seeds of wisdom thru his inspired poetry and blogs to soothe the hearts of others who are struggling emotionally in these turbulent times of planetary ascension.

Sunday Dec 06, 2015
Wisdom of the Watchers
Sunday Dec 06, 2015
Sunday Dec 06, 2015
Aired Sunday, 6 December 2015, 2:00 PM ET
Allayah takes you on a journey into the Mind of a very unique soul, Timonthy Wyllie. We will touch upon his journey and his perceptions of the Rebel Angels and Watchers incarnated in this present timeline.
In his book, the Wisdom of the watchers, Georgia, a rebel angel and a Watcher, provides her account of the period on Earth from 39,000 BC to 16,500 BC when Lemurian civilization reached its pinnacle and seismic upheavals overwhelmed its island home of Mu. Georgia interweaves her story with observations about Timothy Wyllie âs life, including his interactions with Timothy Leary, himself a rebel angel incarnate.
About the Guest Timonthy Wyllie
Timothy Wyllie was born in Great Britain in 1940 and raised in London. Having wended his way through an English public school education and then seven years further study at college, he qualified as an architect.
In the late 70s, Timothy began a systematic exploration of out-of-body states. This led to experiments in telepathic communication with dolphins and an open invitation to contact with nonphysical beings that continues to this day. During this time, he was also running his own business in New Your City, marketing a system he had co-devised for storing and filing color photographs. He retired from the business community in 1981 and turned full time to his creative endeavors.
As a musician, Timothy has made several tapes of what he calls “Bozon Music”–a True Age improvisational jazz, shamanic music of the heart–as well as a series of guided visualization and meditation tapes. Also an artist, he is currently working on a virtually endless progression of drawings of sacred landscape. It is what brings him most joy.
Timothy travels frequently to give lectures and seminars or to investigate sites and locations for his drawings. He is the author of Ask Your Angels: A Practical Guide to working with the Messengers of Heaven to Empower and Enrich Your Life, Dolphins, ETs & Angels, and a co-author of Adventures Among Spiritual Intelligences: Angels, Aliens, Dolphins & Shamans. He lives in New Mexico.

Sunday Nov 29, 2015
Strange Miracles
Sunday Nov 29, 2015
Sunday Nov 29, 2015
Strange Miracles:Medical Thriller Explores Magical Miracles And The Depths Of Human Character
Aired Sunday, 29 November 2015, 2:00 PM ET
Allayah introduces you to Dr Krantz and his fiction book Strange Miracles. Even though this book is fiction, it presents some interesting questions :
What would you do with the gift of perception and the ability to change physical forms by intent alone?
* Can a person change, for better or worse, if they make the wrong choice?
* How can we use power selflessly and not be seduced by corruption?
* What does history teach us about miracles?
* Do miracles still happen? What are examples of everyday miracles?
Strange Miracles the book: “First do no harm,” is a modern interpretation of the Hippocratic Oath physicians take when they begin their careers. Although these words are not found in the original oath, the intent is the same. Physicians promise to treat patients to the best of their ability and never, knowingly, cause harm to their patients.
But what if a physician’s “best” included magical powers?
Larry Krantz, M.D., combines his love for writing with his background as a physician in his compelling new book, Strange Miracles. Intrigued by popular television shows and movies, he explores the notion of psychic and magical powers used for healing.
Jordan Wilkins is a doctor in a rural town in Missouri, where he discovers the remarkable ability to heal people in unexpected and magical ways. While the results are amazing, many in the community soon wonder if Jordan will expect payback. Despite his medical success, Jordan, his wife and handicapped teenage son are confronted with frightening and unexpected opposition.
Meanwhile, in Los Angeles, Breana Cruz has great perceptive ability and could have been a curandera, or intuitive healer. Along with Jordan, they are recruited to the Proteus Project to hone and perfect their skills. Before long, however, they wonder if the Proteus Project is as benevolent as it appears, or has a darker side
“As a physician, I have seen the miracle of unexpected cancer remissions and cures of other diseases that defy explanation,” says Dr. Krantz. “I believe there is a place of stillness where extraordinary things can be seen and heard that are often lost in the noise of human affairs and worries.”
About the Guest Larry Krantz, M.D.
Dr. Larry Krantz is a graduate of Cornell University, where he was an Honors English student, but went on to study medicine, becoming a physician and Assistant Clinical Professor at the University of Colorado Medical School. He now writes fiction full time and teaches creative writing. He is the author of Dreams of Atlantis and Strange Miracles. Along with his wife and son, he enjoys the Rocky Mountains, biking, sports, fun, growing organic vegetables, sunshine, and meaningful conversations.
Learn more about Dr. Krantz http://goo.gl/3gtIJ6 and connect with him on Facebook.

Sunday Nov 22, 2015
The Secrets of the Elongated Skulls of Ancient Peru
Sunday Nov 22, 2015
Sunday Nov 22, 2015
The Secrets of the Elongated Skulls of Ancient Peru with Brien Foerster
Aired Sunday, 22 November 2015, 2:00 PM ET
Allayah brings Brien Foerster to circle of hearts radio. We shall discuss the elongated skulls of peru and other mysteries and technology of ancient peru.
About the Guest Brien Foerster
Brien was born in Rochester, Minnesota, U.S.A. but grew up on the west coast of Canada. At age 11, he became fascinated with the art of the Haida and other native people, and began carving totem poles, and other related art forms, learning from Native teachers. After completing an Honours Bachelor Of Science degree, Brien decided to take up carving and sculpture full time at the age of 25. This included the creation of 15 full size totem poles, dugout canoes, masks, bowls, boxes and other Native style works.
In 1995 he moved to Maui, Hawaii, and was hired as assistant project manager for the building of the 62 foot double hull sailing canoe ( ancestor of the modern day catamaran ) Mo’okiha O Pi’ilani ( Sacred Lizard That Pierces The Heavens. ) This project lasted 2 years. Over the course of the next decade he explored Polynesia, looking for the source of the Polynesian people.
Peru became his next major area of interest. The study of the Inca culture led to his writing his first book, A Brief History Of The Incas. As of April 2015 he has written a total of 16 books; all available in e-format and paperback form via his website http://goo.gl/yzmuBc , as well as www.barnesandnoble.com and www.amazon.com. All of these books are about ancient mysteries.
He also writes articles for Graham Hancock: www.grahamhancock.com, and was associated with Lloyd Pye of the Starchild project, whose geneticist is analyzing the DNA of elongated human skulls of the Peruvian Paracas culture on his behalf.
He counts amongst his colleagues Stephen Mehler, author, archaeologist, ancient Egypt oral tradition specialist and expert on crystal skulls, Christopher Dunn, engineer and author of The Giza Power Plant, Dr. Robert Schoch, geologist and expert of ancient Egypt, Hugh Newman of Megalithomania, who he co-sponsors tours with, L.A. Marzulli, and many other well known “alternative” authors and researchers.
Brien has been on 10 episodes of Ancient Aliens, numerous radio shows, including Red Ice Creations, Coast To Coast Am, Jeff Rense, Project Camelot and a new US video series called Unsealed, as well as L.A. Marzulli’s The Watchers, episodes 6 and 8.
He has become an authority on the megalithic works of South America and the perplexing ancient Elongated Headed people of the area, and divides his time between Paracas Peru, and Cusco.

Sunday Nov 15, 2015
Entering the World of Ancient Sound Healing
Sunday Nov 15, 2015
Sunday Nov 15, 2015
Entering the World of Ancient Sound Healing with Jill Mattson
Aired Sunday, 15 November 2015, 2:00 PM ET
Allayah introduces you to Jill Mattson, who takes on a journey of understanding of how our Ancestors used sound as a healing modality in many ancient cultures. Thru this awareness we can choice to use sound as a healing modality in our lives in the Now.
About the Guest Jill Mattson
Jill Mattson is an author, artist, musician and widely recognized expert and composer in the emerging field of Sound Healing. She has written four books and produced seven CD’s that combine intricate Sound Healing techniques with her original Award winning musical compositions (Best CD of 2015 – People’s Choice Angel & Masters; Deep Wave Beauty CD – Best New Age CD – Silver Award). The CD’s consist of intriguing, magical tracks using ancient & modern techniques – with sound energy & special healing frequencies to achieve profound benefits.
Her cutting edge music includes: Sound Based Beauty Treatments, Frequencies of Flower Essences (emotional catharsis & virtue building), Celestial music with Tones from ancient Egypt and Celestial Bodies, Solfeggio/Reverse Solfeggio & Fibonacci tones, Binaural Beats & Meditative Music, Countering Negative Astrological Energies, Ascended Master & and Angelic Channeled Energies, Ancient Languages of Light, Tuning Notes for your body and more! These multilayered, multidimensional, deep layered, soulful works will uplift your heart – while offering a myriad of benefits.
Jill lectures throughout the US on “Ancient Sounds ~ Modern Healing” taking followers on an exciting journey revealing the healing power of sound. She unveils secrets from ancient cultures as well as the latest findings of the modern scientific community showing the incredible potential and healing capabilities of sound, including how sound travels through your body. Jill draws on her extensive research of modern Sound Healing, and over 30 year study of ancient civilizations and secret societies in her music, lectures, workshops and writings.
Please visit her websites where you can learn more about her in-depth studies and work. Also available on the sites are additional free mp3’s of her Sound Healing compositions, including Solfeggio Tones, Star Energy, Flower Frequencies, Fibonacci and nature tones. www.jillswingsoflight.com www.musicforbeauty.com. Experience some of the exercises described in this book in videos: http://goo.gl/rgIWKW
Free soundhealing mp3s at bottom of home page at www.JillsWingsOfLight.com & at www.JillsHealingMusic.com
Special frequencies, rhythms and harmonics expand our consciousness. Fibonacci and phi tones and ancient Solfeggio tones are embedded in this soul soothing music (the free mp3s)!
Music of the movements of the stars is converted into sounds in this healing music! Also added are associated frequencies of carbon, hydrogen oxygen and nitrogen – found in the stars and in our bodies.
Soul therapy and the sounds of flower energy! Frequencies and music to clear negative emotions and build positive feelings!

Sunday Nov 08, 2015
Journey of an Awakened One
Sunday Nov 08, 2015
Sunday Nov 08, 2015
Aired Sunday, 8 November 2015, 2:00 PM ET
Allayah has the pleasure to bring back Judy Cali. You first met Judy when she discussed Dianne Robbins, on Telos, books on a previous show. Judy is a exceptional intuitive who comes from the heart. This show she will speak of her personal journey and work. Also she will freely bring thru higher vibrational beings, who will share messages with us.
About the Guest Judy Cali
Judy was born in 1946, in Los Angeles, California, City of Angels, at Queen of Angels Hospital & has been experiencing Angels ever since.
At 3 years old, she was one of the 1st children to have Open Heart surgery & had her first near death experience. Judy talked with Ascended Master Jesus & he showed her a new baby brother to be born in 6 months with club feet. Judy decided to return to her body. She started experiencing healing energy in her hands & was guided to put her hand on people’s hearts and send love.
At 7 years old, she met Dr. Ernest Holmes, founder of Church of Religious Science at a Theater in Reseda, Ca. He was speaking about talking to a fly and she saw a glow around his head & knew that this was a special man. He talked about sharing space in a respectful manner with the fly. He explained that the same Divine Intelligence that was in us was also in the fly. Judy knew this to be true. Her family joined the church & she learned about meditation, positive thinking, energy & intention of the heart. Judy also had a passion to understand The Other Side & started reading books on Mysticism. Jesus came again & told her she would be teaching children all over the world in the future.
At 8 years old, she started teaching about God, “you are what you think” & deep breathing to children in Sunday School. Judy realized her passion & mission was to assist others to remember their own magnificence and truth. She felt God was her best friend and she shared that feeling with other children.
At 10 years old, she had a profound experience. She woke up at 3:00am & there were 7 Holy Men, in her bedroom all around her bed. Some were wearing robes and some turbans & diapers, as she described it to her Mother. The men were chanting & talking to her. It wasn’t until she went to a Paramahansa Yogananda Temple in Florida in 2004 & saw 6 photo’s of Masters on the Temple Wall, that she had a knowing who those Masters were, The Council of Sages.
In her 20’s, she read 5 books called “The Life and Teachings of The Masters of the Far East.” Many Ascended Masters made themselves known to her. She also went to see her 1st Psychic, Kenny Kingston, in North Hollywood, Ca. In her 30’s, Judy read about Sai Baba of India & experienced Verbuti, a healing ash that he exudes from his body. Also she was deeply drawn to Dolphin & Whale energy & included them in her prayer work. She was reading about the Divine Mysteries of life & about channeling thru a magazine called Connecting Link. It opened a whole new world of info about all the subjects Judy was passionate about. She became a Youth Advisor to18 teens in a group called “Illusions” for 5 years thru the Church of Religious Science in Lancaster, Ca. Working with teenagers increased her communication skills regarding spirituality. In Sedona, Az at a Psychic Workshop with Dick Sutphen, she went to Bell Canyon & saw Dolphins leaping & swimming around her. A hearts desire to swim with wild Dolphins began & continues. The Dolphin/ Whale sacred mission, for Planet Earth became clear to her & they showed Judy that encoded in her heart is a Rainbow of all healing colors from both sides of the veil. One day on TV she heard Terry Cole-Whittaker say that “When everything in your life starts falling apart, let it”. It means you are being reborn anew.
Little did she know ….
In her 40’s, Judy continued meditating for several hours a day. Her personal understanding of how life works continued to make itself clear. She was thrilled when the New Children started to gain attention. She knew this was what Jesus had told her about in her youth. She continued reading voraciously.
In her 50’s, everything did fall apart. She left a 20 year marriage, 2 businesses, her home & was flat on her back for 6 months. She had 2 surgeries & healed. Judy was guided to volunteer at Childrens Hospital in LA, Ca. and there were healings on children she assisted, known only between her & God. She then moved from the West to the East Coast with no car, no money (only credit cards) & no job. She sent 13 cartons & 11 were books, what else! She started all over again. The beauty of this was revealed soon. Judy also became a Hospice Volunteer & used her healing gifts to assist people in their transition. Ascended Master Hilarion, The Master of Healing, came to Judy and explained she was to go public with her Intuitive & Healing gifts within a few years. She honored the clarion call & what a wild adventure it has been. Mother Mary has been guiding all of her moves & she told Judy, your life reflects trust. Judy moved 3 times 3 states in 1 year. In 2005 she was invited to do a channeling at The United Nations Building in NYC for The Wesak Festival. In Florida, she was hired by NBC as a Psychic for a TV Sci-Fi program, still being shown today, on Atlantis & the Bermuda Triangle. Her gifts definitely became public. Judy also got involved with dog rescue work & that intention continues today.
All her life she has had a passion to understand Heaven & Spiritual Wisdom & to share it with everyone. To date she has had 4 near death experiences. She believes all is encoded within our hearts at birth, and our job is to WAKE UP, REMEMBER, WHO WE ARE as ONE FAMILY & that we are everything.
Lemurian High Priest of Telos, Adama of Inner Earth, asked Judy to come to Mount Shasta to help form a community called Heart to Heart. She & Karma honored the call of the mountain and their Lemurian Family & moved to Mount Shasta, Ca in July 2009. Judy absolutely loves sharing her gifts & talents of her Sacred Heart with others thru teaching, guest speaking and doing personal Intuitive Readings, Healing & Channeling work with people all over the world.

Sunday Oct 25, 2015
Ancient Egypt’s Technology As Observed by Chris Dunn
Sunday Oct 25, 2015
Sunday Oct 25, 2015
Aired Sunday, 25 October 2015, 2:00 PM ET
Allayah is excited to have on Chris Dunn, well known researcher, as seen on Ancient Aliens and published author of many books on ancient Egyptian technology.
About the Guest Chris Dunn
Christopher Dunn was born in 1946 in Manchester, England and has an extensive background as a craftsman, starting his career as an indentured apprentice in his hometown of Manchester. Recruited by an American aerospace company, he immigrated to the United States in 1969. For 48 years, Chris worked at every level of high-tech manufacturing from machinist, toolmaker, programmer and operator of high-power industrial lasers, Project Engineer and Laser Operations Manager. For 17 year, he served as Human Resource Director for a Midwest aerospace manufacturer.
Chris’s pyramid odyssey began in 1977 after he read Peter Tompkins’ book Secrets of the Great Pyramid. His immediate reaction after learning of the Great Pyramid’s precision and design characteristics was to consider that this edifice may have had an original purpose that differed from conventional opinion. After further research and study of source material on various theories, Chris concluded that it must have originally been built to provide a highly technical society with energy—in short, it was a very large machine. Discovering the purpose of this machine and documenting his case took the better part of twenty years of research and resulted in the 1998 publication of Chris’s book, “The Giza Power Plant: Technologies of Ancient Egypt” which describes a holistic energy device that is harmonically coupled with the Earth and its inhabitants.
Chris has published over a dozen magazine articles, including the much quoted “Advanced Machining in Ancient Egypt” in Analog, August 1984, and has had his research referenced in over a dozen books on Egypt. In the United States he has appeared on PAX Television, the History Channel, Travel Channel, Discovery Channel, The Learning Channel, and Lifetime Television discussing his research.
Chris’s second book, entitled “Lost Technologies of Ancient Egypt” was published by Inner Traditions/Bear & Company in the Spring of 2010. In this work, Chris focuses on an important aspect of his research into the manufacturing capabilities of the ancient Egyptians and through his engineer’s eye and camera, reveals to his readers previously overlooked magisterial characteristics of Egyptian architectural and manufacturing wizardry Chris’s second book, entitled “Lost Technologies of Ancient Egypt” was published by Inner Traditions/Bear & Company in the Spring of 2010. In this work, Chris focuses on an important aspect of his research into the manufacturing capabilities of the ancient Egyptians and through his engineer’s eye and camera, reveals to his readers previously overlooked magisterial characteristics of Egyptian architectural and manufacturing wizardry.
“The Giza Power Plant – Technologies of Ancient Egypt” by Christopher Dunn

Sunday Oct 18, 2015
Crystal Skull Caretakers
Sunday Oct 18, 2015
Sunday Oct 18, 2015
Aired Sunday, 18 October 2015, 2:00 PM ET
I will add further info about the crystal skulls. What they are and what they are not. Secondly, the soul decision of being a caretaker. A act of service, earth guardianship. If we are lucky we may be joined by a surprise guest. A well known caretaker of a famous ancient skull–if her schedule permits.
About Allayah Frisch
“I AM Allayah, higher-dimensional self, but merged and integrated with my current human self. I AM neither, and yet I AM both. I AM a Seeker of knowledge and I AM on a path of Remembering.”
Allayah Frisch’s clairvoyant and mediumship skills were evident when she entered this incarnation. Her childhood was one of seeing energies and entities not visible to others. At a very young age, she remembered her ability to heal. For a while, though, she had to shut down in order to blend in with others. In her twenties, she had a spiritual reawakening and Kundalini experience. She experienced multidimensionality and visually became aware of the Ascended Masters of the Great White Brotherhood (higher level guides and angels that spiritually guide the earth). In 1999 Allayah experienced a serious health crisis and resulting NDE (near death experience). As a result, her life took a dramatic turn spiritually. After her NDE, Allayah realized that she had not left this plane at that time because her soul had more that it wished to accomplish here on earth.
Crystal Skulls Oracle, Light Speaker, Performer, Author, and Conference Presenter Allayah Frisch is also a star-seed facilitator who works with and care-takes many ancient energy relics reclaimed for the ascension process. Drawing upon her expertise with jade, quartz crystal, and bronze artifacts, Allayah’s spiritual work incorporates these ancient energy relics, including the use of several powerful wisdom-infused crystal skulls. Thanks to her very specialized work with ancient relics, Allayah has collaborated on two books. The first, “Power Crystals – Spiritual and Magical Practices, Skulls and Alien Technology” is by Dr. John Desalvo, PhD, available at: http://goo.gl/TJSXWg. The second, “Ancient Wisdom for NOW!” is by Rev. Marilee Ann Snyder-Nieciak, and is available via Allayah’s Amazon page at: http://goo.gl/sclOIa. Allayah lives and speaks in New Jersey, U.S.A. You can read more about Allayah, and the intuitive readings and services she offers, at: www.sanctuaryofthewhitedove.com

Sunday Oct 11, 2015
Looking at Those in Need thru the Eyes and Heart of Nancy Oakes
Sunday Oct 11, 2015
Sunday Oct 11, 2015
Aired Sunday, 11 October 2015, 2:00 PM ET
Allayah welcomes Nancy Oakes to discuss the effect of the Divine Mother’s energy descending into the NOW. Nancy is passionate about the return of the sacred feminine energy and the power it brings to women and to those oppressed by the old paradigms of the patriarchal religions. With Allayah, she will discuss her belief in the sanctity of the “Third Gender”. Further conversation will explore the energy of the Great Mothers returning as healing for all oppressed people.
About the Guest Nancy Oakes
Nancy Oakes is the Founder and CEO of the Spiritual Life Style Wellness Center in Texas. As well, she is the author of Love to the Light, The Ancestors Led Us!,and A Spiritual Guide To Living In The “Fifth World” as a featured columnist for OM Times Magazine (http://omtimes.com/ and http://omtimes.com/our-team/our-team-3/nancy-oakes/). Nancy provides life coaching for healthy living, based on Remembering Who You Are, and Reconnecting – A Life Free of Addiction.
Besides her life coaching activities, Nancy lectures on our reconnection to the Goddess – “CREATRESS”, Sophia, Wisdom, for personal empowerment, and believes that now, as the Great Mother returns, humanity’s hearts will be filled with love. She believes we are living in the “Fifth World”, a time of great peace and love based on many indigenous elders’ prophesies, and that this new level of higher consciousness for humanity signifies that we have arrived in the new era. Thus with love, Nancy believes, the new thriving communities will include women and the Third Gender and, therefore, millions of people will be added to our society, where in the past they were rejected, often oppressed, and even murdered. As an ally for the LGTB community, Nancy also serves as an activist towards the healing of the “Sacred Third Gender”.
You can read more about Nancy, her work, and the Spiritual Life Style Wellness Center by visiting her website at: http://lovetothelight.weebly.com/. Nancy’s new book Return of Sophia, Mother of the Universe: Ushering In A Renewal of Sacred Gifts is available on Amazon at: http://goo.gl/RyCzlZ

Sunday Sep 27, 2015
Aboriginal Secrets of Awakening
Sunday Sep 27, 2015
Sunday Sep 27, 2015
Aired Sunday, 27 September 2015, 2:00 PM ET
Allayah speaks again with Robbie Holz. This is the continuing journey of her personal experience of healing.
Through her story of healing and discovery, Robbie describes principles from the 60,000-year-old Australian Aboriginal culture that can help create transformation in your life. Explore Robbie’s experiences participating in secret women’s ceremonies with an Outback Aboriginal tribe.
About Guest Robbie Holz
Robbie Holz is a consultant for body/mind/spirit wellness, a charismatic speaker and a multiple award-winning author. She travels widely teaching the powerful healing techniques and philosophies that she has practiced personally.
After contracting hepatitis C through a blood transfusion, Robbie healed herself using Australian aboriginal healing principles. She also healed herself of fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome.
Subsequent to the passing of her husband Gary, Robbie journeyed to stay with an Outback aboriginal tribe, experiencing the power of their 60,000-year-old ceremonies for herself.
Co-authored by Robbie and her husband Gary, a prominent physicist and alternative healer, the multiple-award-winning memoir, Secrets of Aboriginal Healing, was written at the aboriginal people’s request to reveal their healing secrets to help others. It is the inspirational true story of Dr. Gary Holz’s healing journey with a remote aboriginal tribe in the Australian Outback.
The sequel, Aboriginal Secrets of Awakening: A Journey of Healing and Spirituality with a Remote Australian Tribe, is Robbie’s story of healing through aboriginal principles and awakening to her own healing powers.
Robbie is passionately committed to teaching the ancient aboriginal wisdom to awaken the powerful healer and creator within each of us.
She is acclaimed as a speaker of exceptional clarity, humor and inspiration. She has presented at conferences and workshops for dozens of organizations in Australia, Canada and across the U.S with an interest in healing principles, the power of the mind and awakening to greater consciousness.
Robbie is a regular guest on radio programs internationally and nationwide in the U.S.
In addition to Robbie’s award-winning book, Secrets of Aboriginal Healing, and the sequel, Aboriginal Secrets of Awakening, her articles on holistic health topics and aboriginal wisdom have appeared in magazines, publications and websites in Australia, Canada and the U.S.
Through her global speaking events, one-on-one consultations, popular online self-healing course, award-winning books, and Holz Wellness website blog, Robbie teaches the ancient Australian aboriginal secrets to healing and awakening.
Contact Robbie Holz at robbie@holzwellness.com or (425)967.5514.
You can read more about Robbie Holz and her work, and connect with her, at the following web links: