
Sunday Mar 06, 2016
Secret Medicines From Your Garden
Sunday Mar 06, 2016
Sunday Mar 06, 2016
Secret Medicines From You Garden: Plants for Healing, Spirituality, and Magic
Aired Sunday, 6 March 2016, 2:00 PM ET
Allayah presents to you, the trailblazing author, Ellen Evert Hopman. As spring approaches in the northern hemisphere. Our thoughts are drawn to the renewal of all plant consciousness and their healing properties. We will have a chance to hear her journey and explore her newest book release, Secret Medicines From You Garden: Plants for Healing, Spirituality, and Magic.
A guided exploration of herbal lore and healing plants found in yards, forests, meadows, and hedgerows. Draws on traditional knowledge and remedies from around the world, including Native American, Celtic, and Egyptian traditions. Provides simple recipes to safely make herbal remedies from local plants and honey for first aid, immune support, and treatment of common ailments.
Explains how to work with plant spirits, herbal astrology, and Animal Spirit Medicine. Weaving together ancient wisdom, mystical folklore, and modern plant research, master herbalist Ellen Evert Hopman explores the many uses of flowers, trees, common weeds, and ornamental plants for food, medicine, spiritual growth, and magical rituals. She reveals the herbal lore surrounding each plant, drawing on traditional knowledge and remedies from around the world, including Native American, Celtic, and Egyptian traditions. She includes recipes throughout so you can make medicines from wild and domesticated plants easily found in yards, forests, meadows, and hedgerows, and she discusses what to plant to ensure you have leaves, berries, and flowers all year.
About the Author Ellen Evert Hopman
Ellen Evert Hopman has been a teacher of herbalism since 1983 and is a professional member of the American Herbalists Guild. A member of the Grey Council of Mages and Sages and a former professor at the Grey School of Wizardry, she has presented at schools and workshops across the United States and Europe. A Druidic initiate since 1984, she is a founding member of The Order of the White Oak (Ord Na Darach Gile), a Bard of the Gorsedd of Caer Abiri, and a Druidess of the Druid Clan of Dana. A former vice president of The Henge of Keltria, she is the author of “A Druid’s Herbal of Sacred Tree Medicine; A Druid s Herbal for the Sacred Earth Year”; “Walking the World in Wonder”; “Being a Pagan”;” Tree Medicine”, “Tree Magic”; and “Priestess of the Forest”. She lives in Massachusetts.

Sunday Feb 28, 2016
Heart to Soul Talk with Allayah and Charlie
Sunday Feb 28, 2016
Sunday Feb 28, 2016
Aired Sunday, 28 February 2016, 2:00 PM ET
Both Charlie and I start our series of spontaneous guidance talks from Spirit called Heart to Soul. We were guided to offer this hour of light and Spirit in a very tired and worn world. Please join us and we offer seeds of love and light from our hearts to yours.
About the Guest Charlie-the riverman-Bergeron
After a life altering Death experience, Charlie returned to this incarnation very changed. He has integrated his souls higher purpose of service to all life forms on this planet. This radient soul of so many talents offers Soul filled seeds of wisdom thru his inspired poetry and blogs to soothe the hearts of others who are struggling emotionally in these turbulent times of planetary ascension. https://goo.gl/527vsY
About Allayah Frisch
Allayah Frisch, a veteran radio host, author, and conference speaker, in her safe sanctuary on the airwaves – Circle of Hearts Radio — a place where your spirit will be enlightened and replenished.
With her unique background, including a near-death experience, and with psychic-intuitive abilities and expertise in many modalities (which she uses in her private readings), Allayah brings the energy of the ancestors into the present in order to boost the collective awareness of all life forms on planet Earth – including you, her listeners. http://goo.gl/itzOgX

Sunday Feb 21, 2016
Awakening To Your Full Potential
Sunday Feb 21, 2016
Sunday Feb 21, 2016
Aired Sunday, 21 February 2016, 2:00 PM ET
This will be the first of a series of free webinars on the radio for you to experience on Circle of hearts Radio on Sunday 2 PM EST.
We are in the midst of a huge personal and planetary transformation. As we introduce this subject of personal awakening, let us explore ascension terms in a way all will be able to understand in their lives. Then we shall progress into the world of energy and how it effects our lives and health and if we have time, we shall explore the world of perceiving energy thru intuitive touch.
Thru out the year different free webinars will be presented to enhance your understanding of your spiritual journey.
About Allayah Frisch
Allayah Frisch, a veteran radio host, intuitive life coach and energy worker, in her safe sanctuary on the airwaves – Circle of Hearts Radio — a place where your spirit will be enlightened and replenished. Takes you on a personal journey to spiritual awakening
With her unique background, including a near-death experience, and with psychic-intuitive abilities and expertise in many modalities (which she uses in her private readings), Allayah brings the energy of the ancestors, and her higher oversoul, into the present in order to boost the collective awareness of all life forms on planet Earth – including you, her listeners.
Website: http://www.sanctuaryofthewhitedove.com/

Sunday Feb 14, 2016
We Are Human Angels
Sunday Feb 14, 2016
Sunday Feb 14, 2016
Aired Sunday, 14 February 2016, 2:00 PM ET
This day of heart energy we go to Italy to speak to the authors of the book: We Are Human Angels. We Are Human Angels is the book that has inspired the Human Angels’ community around the world and has been spontaneously translated into 14 languages by the readers. This book is a powerful guide that leads you in your healing journey from the ego to the Oneness. It will help you, both in a spiritual and a practical fashion, to achieve fulfillment in your relationships and in your entire life.
Are you a human angel? Find out why this book can truly change your life. Have you always suffered because of your sensitivity? Have you always had the feeling of being out of place here on earth? Have you, from the very beginning, believed to be born for a greater purpose even though you did not know until now which one it could be? Within this book you will find all of the answers to the most profound questions about who you are and the meaning of your presence here on earth. By reading this book you will learn how to manage your intense sensitivity as a Human Angel and how to make the best use of it in helping others. This book will help you to find your own mission here on earth and to fulfill your highest potential as a Human Angel. “The 7 Keys to overcome the ego” and “The 7 keys to live with the heart in service to the Oneness” are the titles of the two parts of this book. Fourteen chapters to change your life forever, to guide you, step by step, on your journey in overcoming the ego and suffering, until the fulfillment of your true nature as a Human Angel. Within the pages of this book, you will find out that what seemed to be a burden weighing heavily on your shoulders over the years, were simply your wings.
About Human Angels
You will not find our “real names” as we have chosen to pen our books as Human Angels, a collective identity that heartily welcomes, embraces and transcends our individuality and belongs to all those who have chosen to live with Unconditional Love in the Oneness.
We write our books driven by the wish to share our healing journey, that has been a long and sometimes difficult trip through the illusions and the pitfalls created by the ego to our rebirth in the Oneness. We have transmuted our experiences into Awareness and Love with the help of powerful, channeled energies that have, increasingly, guided and enlightened the path of our journey.
We currently live in Europe in a quaint village in the Alps, far from the frantic and noisy world of today, but always connected with the Uni-verse.
With the wish that our books will awaken the Human Angel within yourself!

Sunday Feb 07, 2016
A Deeper Perspective on Alzheimer’s and Other Dementia’s
Sunday Feb 07, 2016
Sunday Feb 07, 2016
Aired Sunday, 7 February 2016, 2:00 PM ET
Allayah is excited to introduce you to a way shower in the field of Dementia.
Megan Carnarius has had more than 25 years of working with patients living with Alzheimer’s or other forms of dementia. Her vast experience as a licensed carer has lead her to see her patients as essentially timeless beings and argues for a full reframing of the disease by those who care for sufferers. Through her insight, Carnarius can give your listeners an entirely new perspective on the disease. She will demonstrate how creating a positive, loving, compassionate and supportive environment for those with Alzheimer’s and other dementia can provide a quality life for patients but also opportunities for our own healing.
“A person with dementia has a whole and well spirit and, in the broadest sense, their brain is a vehicle of self-expression; it does not define their essence” – Megan Carnarius, RN, NHA, LMT
Do we need to revise our current methods for taking care of people with Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias? How do we create a quality life for each person during the various stages of the illness? Does this disease, that at initially appears hopeless and destructive, actually provide opportunities for insight, inspiration and a greater understanding of ourselves, and those we love?
In her beautiful book, A Deeper Perspective on Alzheimer’s and Other Dementia’s: Practical Tools and Spiritual Insights Megan Carnarius urges a move away from ageism and dementia-ism to the recognition that as we age we are all still essentially timeless beings within our physical packages.
The book is written both for those diagnosed with Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia and their carers. It provides practical information about creating a supportive environment around the various stages of the disease as well as its spiritual dimensions. Carnarius, who has worked for years as a carer, provides a new perspective along with a clear understanding of the various forms of dementia and what to expect from the patient as the disease progresses.
What’s new here is Carnarius’ take on the “fall-out blessings” of Alzheimer’s. She compassionately describes various opportunities for reframing the disease. For example, she describes it as a way of living more than one life experience within a lifetime, as allowing matriarch and patriarch roles to transition to the next generation, and an opportunity to share the role of time keeper.
The book is designed to assist those caring for loved ones and patients with Alzheimer’s to be conscious and open to the blessings of the journey of the disease. She explains how an openhearted approach, nurtures compassion, and ultimately enables each of us to be better human beings. It is also written for those brave individuals living with memory loss illnesses, so that they can be supported and allowed to live their experience fully in their own unique way; to express themselves, to love and be loved, and to be sheltered from harm.
About Guest Megan Carnarius
Alzheimer’s specialist Megan Carnarius, RN, is known for her warm human touch in working with people with dementia and those who love them. Trained in Europe and the United States, she has international perspective and 25 years’ experience in designing and running memory care settings. She started consulting in memory care design in 1996 and continues to assist owners with building designs as well as program and operational development. Megan also served on the Alzheimer’s education committee for 15 years. She is a sought-after family consultant, professional trainer, and lecturer.

Sunday Jan 31, 2016
Heart to Soul Talks
Sunday Jan 31, 2016
Sunday Jan 31, 2016
Aired Sunday, 31 January 2016, 2:00 PM ET
Charlie-the riverman-Bergeron and I will start this series of spontaneous channeled talks, in which message of spirit are shared to bring Peace-Love -Light- to the world and our listeners.
Every last sunday of the month, please join us at 2 pm est on Sundays, on Circle of Hearts radio on OM times Radio-OTR.fm.
About the Guest Charlie-the riverman-Bergeron
After a life altering Death experience, Charlie returned to this incarnation very changed. He has integrated his souls higher purpose of service to all life forms on this planet. This radient soul of so many talents offers Soul filled seeds of wisdom thru his inspired poetry and blogs to soothe the hearts of others who are struggling emotionally in these turbulent times of planetary ascension.

Sunday Jan 17, 2016
Awakening to Shamanism
Sunday Jan 17, 2016
Sunday Jan 17, 2016
Aired Sunday, 17 January 2016, 2:00 PM ET
We enter the world of Shamanism with Sandra Cocoran and investigate its true meaning as a modality of awakening to self.
About the Guest Sandra Corcoran
Sandra Corcoran, M.Ed., is a shamanic counselor and holistic consultant, trained for thirty years in traditional and esoteric healing techniques. She is the author of Shamanic Awakening: my journey between the Dark and the Daylight, published by Inner Traditions/Bear & Company, and the recent compilation of mediations consisting of two trilogies covering the Soul’s Journey and the three Worlds of the Andean Cosmo-vision. The cd, called Souled Out, also contain introductions using new biology, heart brain coherence, and mystical lore to help the listener grow in knowledge of the deeper wisdom of the Self; both are available on Amazon. Her metaphysical teachings and initiations have taken her throughout North, Central, and South America, and Europe, Egypt and Turkey, and she leads groups yearly to sacred sites for participants to open to the mystery and magic within themselves. She is co-founder of The STAR Process™, a soul retrieval healing modality, and is a certified teacher in the Wolf Clan Teaching Lodge by the late Grandmother Twylah Hurd Nitsch of the Seneca People. The philosophical body of work shared through Gram’s teachings is centered on the Medicine Wheel, helping participants to discover their purpose and challenges as they navigate their Earthwalk through the Cycles of Truth and the Pathways of Peace. A trained dream decoder, Thoth tarot reader, and contactee experiencer, she offers workshops on a variety of topics, women’s ceremonial rites, and sacred journeys nationally and internationally. She has a private practice in Natick, Massachusetts, but is open to traveling to your area to share her work. http://www.starwalkervisions.com/

Sunday Jan 03, 2016
Choices You Make In Life
Sunday Jan 03, 2016
Sunday Jan 03, 2016
Aired Sunday, 3 January 2016, 2:00 PM ET
We start the new year reflecting on the word and Symbolism of CHOICES we make in our day to day lives. Who on Earth has more wisdom, love and compassion than Spirit? Author Nancy Byrne asks and answers this question with her new book, “Choices”. Nancy Byrne helps people to transcend the limits of common thought, remember who they are and choose to be that person again. She guides us in listening to the guidance from our souls, rather than the people around us.
About the Guest Nancy Byrne
Nancy Byrne is the author of the new book, “Choices”. Byrne majored in psychology at the University of Colorado Denver for both graduate and undergraduate. She has worked for an adolescent psychiatric treatment hospital, a women-in-need-of-group-support program, a rape crisis center, a major police department as director of a victim services unit and several high risk shelters for adolescents. Byrne states, “It is my soul’s desire to ‘give back’ to the Universe and to serve by assisting others on their life’s journey.” More information is available at: http://www.choices-nlb.com/

Sunday Dec 27, 2015
The Intuitive World of Bobby Klein
Sunday Dec 27, 2015
Sunday Dec 27, 2015
The Intuitive World of Bobby Klein – I Ching Oracle and Healer
Aired Sunday, 27 December 2015, 2:00 PM ET
Dr. Bobby Klein is a clinical Psychologist and re-known healer and teacher in the Americas and Europe. His experiences and adventures have taken him on the winding road as successful rock and roll photographer in the late 1960´s for bands such as the Doors and Janis Joplin, to owning one of the first natural food restaurants in Los Angeles. Back before the trends of health food, his business became a hit and popular amongst the Hollywood scene. It was here when Bobby Klein was first introduced to acupuncture. In search to avoid eye surgery, he found a Chinese master with familial lineage dating back hundreds of years. It was this man, Gim Shek Ju, who cured his affliction and became his teacher and thus Bobby began to follow his calling of what has been a lengthy and successful 40 + year career in the Healing Arts. He was instrumental as one of the pioneers in the movement to legalize acupuncture in the United States, Dr. Klein introduced acupuncture to the medical community and was a director at UCLA of the first Acupuncture Clinic in America.
Bobby is an influential teacher in spiritual and emotional growth, meditation and the intricacies of the I Ching. Dr. Klein lived and studied with shamans, teachers and healers worldwide. Among them were two Native American Tribes and the Tibetan Buddhists. After a successful practice as an intuitive psychologist, analyst, diagnostician and life path consultant in Los Angeles, he moved his practice to Tulum, Mexico where he is the founder and Director of Yaan Wellness Energy Spa, and where he continues with his private practice. Dr. Klein hosts retreats in Tulum and around the world. These retreats and workshops focus to open the heart to spirit and to take the journey to remembering one’s authentic self.
Every Thursday Bobby teaches a meditation and spiritual growth class at Uno Astrolodge in Tulum which was the beginning of the Tulum Wisdom and Mystery School where he lectures on subjects pertinent to the times. He is also the translator and interpreter of the I Ch’ing, followed by many thousands of people worldwide. This weekly I Ching Interpretations are broadcast live every Sunday.

Sunday Dec 20, 2015
Unfolding Journey of a Earth Angel
Sunday Dec 20, 2015
Sunday Dec 20, 2015
Aired Sunday, 20 December 2015, 2:00 PM ET
Allayah is delighted to reintroduce you to a special Earth Angel. Charlie ‘Riverman’ Bergeron. Charlie has shared his path and wisdom with me on our Heart to Soul talks on OM times Radio periodically thru the past year. Coming in 2016, he will be a regular once a month On our Heart to Soul program the last Sunday of each month.
About the Guest Charlie ‘Riverman’ Bergeron
From early childhood, Charlie ‘Riverman’ Bergeron was aware of Spirit Energy, a facet of himself which dismayed others in his family. In order to survive, he adopted earthly human programming. He attempted to fit within outdated and limiting roles which all failed to serve his Soul Purpose. All of which ended in a motorcycle accident in 1991 resulting in death – or, more commonly, a ‘Near Death Experience’ (NDE) – however, Charlie was briefly returned to the Light, to Source, and thus experienced a realignment and returned to this lifetime.
The dramatic transformation, which was not in accord with anything he had ever previously imagined, or was aware of opened a world of unlimited possibilities. Starting his journey by rewiring his brain, giving up a near photographic memory in order to be able to function rationally as a human. Then adjusting to his open connection to what might be loosely called ‘Other Dimensions of Existence’, which he exclaims is, “ beyond even my own belief… I receive information and guidance well beyond my former abilities, in order to share with others as they open their hearts and begin to see life differently. My ability to read and learn as others is greatly impaired and I have learned to trust implicitly in what I cannot see.”
The name ‘Riverman’ was given to him when he was recognized as an Earth Angel when he met a Storyteller named “Greywing”. He considers himself an Earth Angel which he describes, in essence a human co-facilitator of Higher Energies and Purpose or as he was guided to say, a Spiritual Recovery Facilitator, assisting all to raise their
energy and empower them to access their Spirit Nature, freely and without restriction or fear.
To quote Charlie ‘Riverman’ Bergeron, “Our ability to reclaim our Spirit and transform the physical manifestation of who we ‘think’ we are is unlimited. However, we need to reach a point where Love vs. Fear is only an opposition of energies. We can then know that Love is the Energetic Force of our existence and Fear is always a backdrop unless we choose to focus on it.”
He is now focusing on Dowsing Energy and Co-Creating with clients a more unified and positive connection to the space ‘in and on’ which they live, by aligning the positive and blocking the negative energies of Earth, the Galaxy and Cosmos to empower their unification for the Highest Good of Everyone.
Charlie’s practices over the past 20 + years includes: Near Death Experiencer; Earth Angel; A Course In Miracles Facilitator; Spiritual Recovery Facilitator; Usui Reiki Master/Teacher; NPDT Master and 13 D Healer; 9 Rites of Munay-Ki (Earthkeeper); Crystal Skull Guardian; Golden Light Dowser, Spiritually Inspired Poet & Photographer; and on the more grounded side a Custom Woodworker.