
Sunday May 22, 2016
The New Children and Near Death Experiences
Sunday May 22, 2016
Sunday May 22, 2016
Aired Sunday, 22 May 2016, 2:00 PM ET
I will be speaking to the renown researcher P.M.H. Atwater, on her research about the new children entering this dimension. Sharing individual case histories underscoring the traits of the new-child personality, she reveals how these children, born with universal consciousness encoded in their DNA, act as agents for world change by reflecting back every misguided aspect of business, politics, religion, entertainment, technology, and culture so we can’t ignore what needs to be repaired. Atwater shows how children labeled as autistic or otherwise “damaged” have enormous potential for greatness.
She notes that the child who returns from a near-death experience is not the same child as before. Presenting data to support her contention that these children have experienced structural, chemical, and functional changes in the brain, she shows how their greater empathic abilities as well as dramatically higher intelligence are qualities that are also present in children born since 1982—enhanced abilities that cannot be tied to simple genetics.
About the Guest P.M.H. Atwater
P. M. H. Atwater, L.H.D. is one of the original researchers in the field of near-death studies, having begun her work in 1978 and completing 10 books on her findings – some of which have now been verified in clinical settings. Her, The Big Book of Near-Death Experiences, was featured in the online version of Newsweek Magazine. Near-Death Experiences: The Rest of The Story is her most complete and controversial book yet. She has won many awards, appeared on numerous TV shows, and spoken around the world – always inviting people to look past appeal.

Sunday May 15, 2016
Elders Speak: Heart to Soul Transmissions
Sunday May 15, 2016
Sunday May 15, 2016
Aired Sunday, 15 May 2016, 2:00 PM ET
Both Charlie and I continue our series of spontaneous guidance talks from Spirit called Heart to Soul. We are guided to offer this hour of light and Spirit in a very tired and worn world. Please join us and we offer seeds of love and light from our hearts to yours.
About the Guest Charlie-the riverman-Bergeron
After a life altering Death experience, Charlie returned to this incarnation very changed. He has integrated his souls higher purpose of service to all life forms on this planet. This light-filled soul of so many talents offers Soul filled seeds of wisdom thru his inspired poetry and blogs to soothe the hearts of others who are struggling emotionally in these turbulent times of planetary ascension.

Sunday May 08, 2016
Pre-Birth Planning and Soul Contracts
Sunday May 08, 2016
Sunday May 08, 2016
Aired Sunday, 8 May 2016, 2:00 PM ET
We are pleased to introduce you to Robert Schwartz. Robert is a pioneer in the field of pre-birth planning, the study of how and why we ourselves plan our lives, including our greatest challenges, prior to birth.
About the Guest Robert Schwartz
Robert Schwartz is certified as both a Past Life Soul Regression Therapist and a Between Lives Soul Regression Therapist by the International Between Lives Regression Network.
He is the author of two groundbreaking books, Your Soul’s Plan: Discovering the Real Meaning of the Life You Planned Before You Were Born and Your Soul’s Gift: The Healing Power of the Life You Planned Before You Were Born. His books have been translated into twenty-two languages.
He lectures internationally at such venues as the College of Psychic Studies (England), Findhorn (Scotland), the International Institute of Integral Human Sciences (Canada), and the International Conference on After Death Communications, Kripalu, and the United Nations (US).
Website: http://yoursoulsplan.com/

Sunday May 01, 2016
Man of Compassion
Sunday May 01, 2016
Sunday May 01, 2016
Aired Sunday, 1 May 2016, 2:00 PM ET
Allayah has the pleasure of introducing you to a MAN OF COMPASSION, Azim Khamisa.
Azim Khamisa is an inspiration. Hailed by dignitaries such as the Dalai Lama, Former President Bill Clinton and Al Gore, Azim carries his inspirational message of forgiveness, peace and hope into a world in desperate need of each. Following the loss of his only son Tariq in 1995 to a senseless, gang-related murder, Azim chose the path of forgiveness and compassion rather than revenge and bitterness, and this amazing choice led to the establishment of the Tariq Khamisa Foundation and the subsequent forgiveness movement which has reached millions.
About the Guest Azim Khamisa
Azim Khamisa – author, activist and inspirational speaker – was born in Kenya, Africa and had early training in mathematics, economics and international finance. A successful international investment banker with over 35 years’ experience, he has conducted business in Africa, Middle East, Europe and Asia. A man always on the go, taking action for societal transformation, he is presently the Chairman, CEO and Founder of the Tariq Khamisa Foundation (TKF), President of the Child Safety Network (CSN) and Founder and National Director of the Constant And Never Ending Improvement (CANEI) program. Committing his life to halting the continuing cycle of violence among the youth, Azim became a social activist after his 20-year-old son Tariq was senselessly murdered while delivering pizzas in January 1995 by Tony Hicks, a 14-year-old gang member. Out of unspeakable grief and despair, Khamisa was inspired to transform his loss through the miraculous power of forgiveness. Believing that there were “victims at both ends of the gun,” Azim forgave Tony and founded the Tariq Khamisa Foundation to break the cycle of youth violence by saving lives, teaching peace and planting seeds of hope in their future. A month after establishing the foundation, Azim invited Ples Felix, Tony’s grandfather and guardian, to join him. Together, since November 1995, the two have brought their story and message through TKF’s Violence Impact Forums. The duo has reached a half a million elementary and middle school children live and over 20 million via video programs, guiding the youth to choose a peacemaker’s life of non-violence and forgiveness. Because of his powerful story and message, Azim is a highly regarded and respected leader and a sought after speaker nationally and internationally. Having given 400 keynote address speeches all over the world – including an audience of 300,000 at the “Stand for Children” rally in Washington D.C. in 1996 – Azim has received more than 60 regional, national and international awards. Awards that include: in April 1997 the National Crime Victims Special Community Service Award presented by President Bill Clinton and Attorney General Janet Reno. In December 2002, he received the prestigious “Search for Common Ground” international award for “Building Peaceful Communities” along with Archbishop Desmond Tutu and Ted Koppel. Other recent awards include 2003’s “California Peace Prize,” 2006’s “Freedom Heroes Award,” 2008’s “Death Penalty Focus Award” and “The Spirit of Crazy Horse Award,” the latter being given alongside Muhammad Ali. As well, in June 2004, Azim participated in the Synthesis Dialogues, with His Holiness the Dalai Lama, held at the Pope’s summer residence in Castelgandolfo, Italy. Azim’s profound work has been featured in the likes of The New York Times, Oprah Magazine, People Magazine, Parade Magazine, Washington Post and U.S.A. Today as well as on NBC’s Today Show, Nightly News, CBS’s Early Morning Show and KPBS’ Fresh Air. A well-traveled, multi-lingual naturalized United States citizen, Azim serves on the Board of Directors of various non-profit and for-profit boards. With various inspirational products available on his website, he is an award-winning author of the book: Azim’s Bardo – From Murder To Forgiveness – A Father’s Journey. He followed up this book in November 2007 with From Forgiveness to Fulfillment, showing the continued evolution in an unfolding story that is his path, his passion and his life. A third in the trilogy is From Fulfillment to Peace, which provides the final recipe for sustained peace. Published in 2009 by Random House was The Secrets of the Bulletproof Spirit: How to Bounce Back from Life’s Hardest Hits, coauthored with Jillian Quinn.
Website: Azim Khamisa | Teaching Peace, Prosperity and Purpose Through the Practice of Forgiveness

Sunday Apr 24, 2016
The Raging Skillet
Sunday Apr 24, 2016
Sunday Apr 24, 2016
Aired Sunday, 24 April 2016, 2:00 PM ET
I look forward to this talk as a younger woman , I did catering o help support my family. The world of catering behinds the scenes holds many a funny story and frustration. Join me as we talk to Chef Rossi and she shares her very unique journey in this world of food.
About the Guest Chef Rozzi
Rossi, yes, she only has one name -– has been a writer for many publications, such as The Daily News, The New York Post, Time Out New York and Mcsweeney’s to name a few. She has been the food writer of the “Eat Me” column for Bust magazine since 1998, hosts her own hit radio show on WOMR and WFMR in Cape Cod called “Bite This,” now in its twelfth season, has been featured on “The Food Network” and “NPR” and is a popular blogger for “The Huffington Post.”
As the owner and executive chef of “The Raging Skillet,” a cutting-edge catering company known for breaking any and all rules, she has earned a reputation as the one to call when it’s time to do something different. The Raging Skillet has been called “a new breed of rebel anti-caterer” by The New York Times, “the wildest thing this side of the mason Dixon line” by Zagat and has been named among The Knot’s Best Of Wedding Caterers for 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 and 2015. Having won five years in a row, The Raging Skillet is in The Knot’s hall of fame! Rossi’s motto is simple; “molds are a delicious thing to break!”
Websites: http://www.theragingskillet.com/ and http://www.huffingtonpost.com/chef-rossi/

Sunday Apr 17, 2016
Death Midwifery and Compassionate Transitioning
Sunday Apr 17, 2016
Sunday Apr 17, 2016
Aired Sunday, 17 April 2016, 2:00 PM ET
We shall discuss the value and necessity of the death midwife as an integral member of a dying patient’s team of caretakers. To discuss the specific area that “The Art of Death Midwifery” addresses. To discuss the spectrum of death. Then to transition into the new area of my work, which is crossing the threshold of death and now building a bridge between the “so-called living” and the so-called” dead, the community being formed.
About the Guest Joellyn St. Pierre
Joellyn St. Pierre is an ordained interfaith minister with a spiritual doctorate in divinity focused on Death as a Transition. For 25 years she enjoyed a professional career in theatre with 7 Broadway shows to her credit, including “A Chorus Line,” and “Pippin,” national tours, regional, stock, dinner theatre, commercials, industrial shows and night clubs. She served as Director of Dance for the Burt Reynolds Institute for Theatre Training, founded a performing arts school in Orlando, FL, as well as teaching, directing and choreographing nationwide.
When many of Joellyn’s dear friends and associates from theatre began dying from AIDS, her entire life changed. Death became an initiation into a new life; that of a death midwife. Since 1991, she served those dying and their loved ones throughout the country with various hospices, home health agencies and AIDS organizations. She also conducted workshops on the Art of Death Midwifery, a paradigm for communing with the dying, in particular, those deemed “unresponsive.”
Now her work is evolving. As a result of her second Saturn return, and once more initiated by the death of a loved one, she was quite surprised to find herself being called to cross the threshold of death, to build a bridge between the so-called living and the so-called dead. She is being asked to develop skills she isn’t sure she possesses, those of a mediumistic nature, but is making that journey of discovery now. Heavily influenced by the work of Rudolf Steiner, she founded the Community of Spirits. Its purpose is to re-enliven, and vitalize the connection to the dead and the higher angelic hierarchies. Through that deep communion, the community will act as a conduit for the unrealized potential of the dead to flow into the physical world, to the evolvement and betterment of all. This is a fledgling community open to all with whom these ideas and goals resonate. It currently resides in cyberspace and will grow as she is inspired by her guides, teachers and angelic mentors.

Sunday Apr 10, 2016
The Hilarion Connection
Sunday Apr 10, 2016
Sunday Apr 10, 2016
Aired Sunday, 10 April 2016, 2:00 PM ET
Allayah welcomes Marlene Swetlishoff back as she shares her awakening journey from light channel to expressing her I AM presence in her soul work and book series The Hilarion connection. Marlene – a Scribe, Channel, Writer, Healer, Energy Facilitator and Activator, and Proxy for Humanity – will discuss the developments which led her to becoming a Scribe for Ascended Master Hilarion and his messages for the masses during these intense times.
About the Guest Marlene Swetlishoff
Since 2008, Marlene Swetlishoff has been sharing the highly popular weekly messages from Hilarion. Hilarion is an Ascended Master who is a member of the Family of Light beyond the veil, who has chosen to stay with the planet until Earth and everyone upon the Earth is ascended into higher consciousness and a more refined way of living. These Beings of Light have been steadfastly working behind the scenes for untold ages to help raise the vibrational level of every human and the Earth. These messages from Hilarion can be found on Marlene Swetlishoff’s website (www.therainbowscribe.com). The site is visited daily by readers from more than 120 countries around the world.
Marlene Swetlishoff has been sharing Archangel Gabriel’s discourses on the qualities of love – a long term project that is being published in a book format later this year. She also offers energy sessions to those who seek to increase and strengthen their connection to their Divine Essence so they can move forward to implement their part in the Divine Plan to bring about a new Earth reality founded in peace, harmony and abundance for all. You can discover more about this work at another of Marlene Swetlishoff’s websites: www.movingintoluminosity.com
Marlene has also been a lifetime student of the arcane mysteries and has been a member of Astara, A Place of Light, a modern-dayMystery School, since 1968. Each of the Ascended Masters who founded Astara – Kuthumi, Rama and Zoser – has guided her footsteps throughout her spiritual journey. Marlene Swetlishoff receives messages from the Realms of Light through telepathic transmission. She has also recently discovered an ability to communicate with Crystal Skulls, crystalline beings and stones, and also the tree family. These beings ‘speak’ to her when she least expects it!
Bryan DeFlores, a multidimensional artist and the creative visionary who inspired the Atlantis Gallery (www.bryandeflores.com), describes Marlene Swetlishoff thus:
“Marlene is a Divine Luminary, Angelic Ambassador and Messenger of Hope whose work is divinely designed to awaken, uplift and shift the consciousness of humanity into the new age of Light. More specifically, her primary task is to open the multi-dimensional chambers within the hearts of many people, allowing them to feel the divine presence of Spirit within their body, mind and soul.
As an Angelic writer and researcher, Marlene brings forth many channeled messages from the higher dimensions of Light, AngelicKingdoms and Ascended Master realms to awaken and inspire humanity.
As a Messenger of Hope and Divine Luminary, Marlene brings her unique healing gifts of divine love and inspired interpretation to the masses in many ways. Marlene’s focus is on heart awakening and spiritual activation of humanity and helping others to find their divine purpose as a soul. Her work assists one to feel divine love and to experience the presence and touch of the Angels and Masters in their everyday life. Her offerings both rekindle faith in Spirit and bring a new sense of peace, support and empowerment to all those who cross her path.”
Further information about Marlene Swetlishoff:

Sunday Apr 03, 2016
The One and Only Rev. Yolanda is Back In the Circle
Sunday Apr 03, 2016
Sunday Apr 03, 2016
Aired Sunday, 3 April 2016, 2:00 PM ET
Allayah welcomes back Rev. Yolanda (Roger Anthony Yolanda Mapes) for a hour of sharing about his sacred activist work in bringing together communities through awareness and understanding. Rev. Yolanda is an award-winning singer/songwriter and an ordained Interfaith Minister. The show will cover topics such as why Transgender is a Spiritual Path, how art and spirituality intersect, Rev. Yolanda’s mission with his music ministry, and his goals for the coming year.
About the Guest Rev. Yolanda
Rev. Yolanda is a diversely talented singer, songwriter, and performance artist as well as an Interfaith Minister. His work as an Artist and Sacred Activist has earned him a place in The GLBT Hall Of Fame. Drawing upon a rich musical heritage, Rev. Yolanda hosts a live music ministry called “Rev. Yolanda’s Old Time Gospel Hour”. The ministry is described as “A Gender Bending Gospel Celebration for The New Thought Generation”, and combines music, messages of faith and love, as well as timely humorous moments. Taking traditional-sounding melodies and instrumentation as a starting point, Rev. Yolanda creates original gospel songs incorporating New Thought lyrics, affirming the God/Goddess within, and embracing the diversity of humankind. His work has been recorded live, in the studio, as well as in music videos. Rev. Yolanda’s exuberance, talent, and mission have led beyond single-song videos – Rev. Yolanda’s Old Time Gospel Hour is to be released as a full-feature documentary film by Ike Allen of AVAIYA MEDIA – 2015.
Rev. Yolanda’s work and honors can be found in multiple places online. Some of these are:
www.yolanda.net/ (Rev. Yolanda’s main website)
www.yolanda.net/gospel_hour (Rev. Yolanda’s Gospel Hour info)
www.avaiya.com/upcoming-projects/reverend-yolanda-movie/ (Rev. Yolanda’s movie, including a promotional video)
www.youtube.com/watch?v=XHEHTXLB7iU&feature=youtu.be (Rev. Yolanda’s Old Time Gospel Hour Promo Trailer. This link also leads to some of Rev. Yolanda’s music videos)
www.glbthalloffame.com/ and www.glbthalloffame.com/memdirectory2.htm (Rev. Yolanda’s place of honor in The GLBT Hall Of Fame)
www.facebook.com/REVYOLANDA (Rev. Yolanda’s Facebook page, featuring updates, honors, videos, photos, and music)

Sunday Mar 20, 2016
The Forgotten Children
Sunday Mar 20, 2016
Sunday Mar 20, 2016
Aired Sunday, 20 March 2016, 2:00 PM ET
Allayah speaks with her close friend Zane Grant about his work with the children who fall between the cracks of society and are so quickly forgotten.
About the Guest Zane Grant
Zane Grant is the Executive Director of Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) of Pueblo, Colorado – a position that he has held since 2002. Zane is originally from New Mexico and moved to Colorado in 1993 to pursue his education. Zane is a graduate from the University of Southern Colorado with a bachelor’s degree in Social Work and a graduate from New Mexico Highlands University with a Master’s degree in Social Work. Zane is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker in Colorado.
Zane has been actively involved and working with Pueblo’s youth for over twenty years in several different capacities. Before coming to CASA, Zane worked as a child welfare caseworker for the Pueblo County Department of Social Services for several years. Zane served as an Adjunct Faculty Instructor at Pueblo Community College from 2002 to 2012. Zane also served as the Board President for Mental Health America of Pueblo from 2011 to 2012 and again in 2015.
In addition to his duties with CASA, Zane is an adjunct faculty instructor for New Mexico Highlands University and is a newly appointed Board Member for the Colorado Department of Regulatory Agencies Social Work Examiners Board.

Sunday Mar 13, 2016
Regent Speaks - Timeless Wisdom from Ancient Tibet
Sunday Mar 13, 2016
Sunday Mar 13, 2016
Aired Sunday, 13 March 2016, 2:00 PM ET
Allayah welcomes Liz Hamilton, and her husband Patrick McDonald – healers, intuitives, channels, and caretakers of a large collection of crystal skulls. In the show, Allayah and Liz (with Patrick) will introduce what crystal skulls actually are, as well as the significance of carving crystal into the shape of skulls – a shape considered to be a sacred vessel. Acting as a focal lens in meditation, crystal skulls are instrumental in helping one to connect to one’s own higher self, as well as in accessing a higher collective cosmic consciousness.
Allayah, Liz, and Patrick will discuss these concepts, as well as focusing on eight very special stone relics from the remote Himalayan Mountain region of Western Tibet. Liz Hamilton will be publishing a new book, The Regent Speaks; Timeless Wisdom from Ancient Tibet. The Regent is the name of a very large stone starbeing-shaped skull from the remote areas of Western Tibet in the Himalayan Mountain range. It was used by a spiritual community of holy people around 500 BC. The high universal consciousness of The Regent – which was focused through the stone skull – inspired a particular holy man. This consciousness is now channeled through Patrick McDonald. The Regent is known as a “Wisdom Skull” and is a catalyst for spiritual consciousness.
About the Guests Liz Hamilton and Patrick McDonald
Liz Hamilton was born in Massachusetts, USA, and came to Sydney, Australia in 1975 and married her husband Patrick McDonald. She worked for over 35 years in the field of teaching creative cultural lessons in the arts to teenagers with intellectual disabilities.
Patrick McDonald was born in Maine, USA, and, after traveling extensively through Europe and India, came to live in Sydney, Australia in the beginning of 1973. There he met his wife, Liz, while they were working together in the field of helping those with intellectual disabilities. Patrick has a background in teaching, healing, spiritual philosophy, English literature and poetry. He specializes in intuitive thinking as a spiritual path.
In 2010 Liz Hamilton and Patrick McDonald moved to the beautiful Blue Mountains in Leura, New South Wales (Australia) to open a healing centre out of their home. The centre is named ALASENMAT, which means ‘Walk around with Light’. Liz has a deep love and experience of nature, crystals, angels, and sound. Liz developed her own healing modality which she named ‘Cosmic Radiance’, bringing harmonic balance through crystal, sound and energy healing. Meditation classes and workshops are offered by Liz Hamilton on a wide range of spiritual topics.
In 2012 Liz published a book titled Collective Cosmic Consciousness of the Crystal Skulls: Experiences of the Mystery of Initiation, which chronicles her journey of exploration into the fascinating phenomenon of crystal skulls. Liz is a custodian of a rare collection of over 144 crystal skulls ranging from exquisite quartz and different mineral skulls from Brazil and Nepal, eight ancient stone skulls from Western Tibet c. 500 BC, three old Tibetan Dorje Buddhist Temple crystal skulls, a Peruvian shamanic quartz skull, eight old jade chi skulls and jade skeleton, and two old calcite skulls said to be from the Gobi region in Mongolia.
You can find out much more about Liz Hamilton, Patrick McDonald, and their work at: goo.gl/ATnFru and https://goo.gl/1PU5pm
The book Collective Cosmic Consciousness of the Crystal Skulls: Experiences of the Mystery of Initiation is available for sale at the ALASENMAT website.