
Sunday Apr 26, 2015
Ancient Wisdom for NOW – Essential Oils
Sunday Apr 26, 2015
Sunday Apr 26, 2015
Aired Sunday, 26 April 2015, 2:00 PM ET
Allayah welcomes Rev. Marilee Ann Snyder-Nieciak to the show. Today, discussion will focus upon therapeutic essential oils, ancient wisdom which has applications in modern society. With personal experience using these oils, which saved not only Marilee’s own life, but also the life of her husband and of their dogs, and as a long-time student of therapeutic grade essential oils, Rev. Marilee Ann Snyder-Nieciak brings to the show first-hand knowledge of the topic.
Allayah’s conversation with Marilee will begin with an overview of what therapeutic grade oils actually are, and why they are, in Marilee’s words, “Ancient Wisdom For Now”. Delving into the past, Marilee will describe the first historical recorded use of such oils, including formulas which used these essential oils for healing. How often, for example, were such oils referenced in the Bible, and what were the ancient oils described in the Scriptures, and for what were they used? Rev. Snyder-Nieciak will also describe why such a seemingly simple compound as an essential oil can have healing properties, and will tell listeners what AFNOR is, and why it is important to therapeutic grade oils.
Be sure to listen in for this exploration of ancient healing wisdom, still popular and useful in today’s society.
About Guest Rev. Marilee Ann Snyder-Nieciak
Rev. Marilee Ann Snyder-Nieciak is described as an internationally recognized spiritual guide and shamanic practitioner. Since 1996, Marilee has studied therapeutic grade essential oils. It was in this year that she also founded her center in Michigan City, Indiana, known as Sage Spirit Terra.
After her “death experience” in 1972, Marilee studied ancient healing techniques and wisdom. In the year she founded Sage Spirit Terra, Rev. Snyder-Nieciak was becoming a Reiki Master/Teacher and Dar’Shem III. In order to learn the Akashic Records, she studied with Linda Howe from 1991 to 2000, eventually becoming a Consultant of the Mary Parker Sacred Prayer Method. In 2002, guided by her Akashic Records, Marilee was given her own system, which she now uses to help clients receive their personal prayer for accessing their own Akashic Records, in alignment with their vibration and frequencies. (The Akashic Records are a vibrational record of your book of life.) She specializes in accessing the Akashic Records for herself and in readings for others; she also practices soul retrieval and soul restoration. Currently she is focusing on the Akashic Records and the transformative power of Young Living Essential Oils to bring wellness, purpose and abundance.
Rev. Marilee is also a Certified Shamanic Practitioner of Ceremonial Journey Drum Circles with Dream Change Coalition. With Sandra Ingerman, of the Foundation for Shamanic Studies, she practices Divination and Shamanism Death & Dying. Along with Michael Harner, she has started with “The Way of the Shaman”. Rev. Marilee provides Spiritual Counseling and Coaching. As she describes it, Rev. Marilee “returned from the ‘other side’ to Empower You; to Love You and Accept You as you are!”, and writes that her mission is “Empowering Individuals to Empower Themselves.”
Marilee is a published author in the anthologies Pebbles in the Pond – Transforming the World One Person at a Time. Her chapter is called Death and Beyond – Heaven on Earth and From Tears to Triumph. Marilee’s book Ancient Wisdom for NOW – Crystals and The 13 Crystal Skulls is available at Amazon (link below). She is releasing her next Ancient Wisdom for Now – Book II in May of 2015 (Reading Your Akaskic Records – Level I Training Manual Receiving YOUR personal Prayer in Alignment with YOUR Vibration and Frequencies for Reading Your Akashic Records, The Records of YOUR Soul). Module IV within is about experiencing your “power scents” for your physical body, your emotional body, and your spiritual body.
You can find more about Marilee on these sites:

Sunday Apr 12, 2015
Body and Spirit Healing with Chantal Benedict
Sunday Apr 12, 2015
Sunday Apr 12, 2015
Aired Sunday, 12 April 2015, 2:00 PM ET
Allayah welcomes Chantal Benedict, a healer who utilizes multiple modalities for whole-person healing – body, mind, and spirit. Chantal is a licensed Spiritual Practitioner who removes the spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical barriers to an individual’s success and fulfillment. During Allayah’s interview, she and Chantal Benedict will talk about Chantal’s expertise in quantum skeletal alignment, which she uses to heal many with scoliosis (curvature of the spine). As well, Chantal will explain how she uses the John of God Crystal Bed in her treatments. Other issues to be discussed include: the common symptoms faced by military service personnel returning from duty… and how the Heaven and Earth Oasis can help them to heal; how can someone who has been to traditional Western doctors receive healing from alternative techniques; and what one thing should be done before a healing session with Chantal Benedict.
About Guest Chantal Benedict
In 2003, Chantal Benedict was diagnosed with mercury poisoning due to the leakage from 16 fillings in her teeth. At that time, she had been working in the financial industry for 20 years as a mortgage broker, and enjoying her creative avocation as a licensed massage therapist. She practiced massage therapy for 10 years in Los Angeles and at a studio for elite clientele in Malibu, California.
The healing journey of Chantal Benedict began as she sought around the world for alternative health treatments for the mercury poisoning. The treatments she had received led her to a deeper healing and spiritual quest, and finally to a spiritual awakening… along with a call to change her life by opening a healing center which used only alternative healthcare treatments to create wellness.
Chantal Benedict knew that if her mission was to heal the whole person, she should be addressing not just the body, but also the mind and spiritual sides of her clients. So she studied, trained, and earned certifications in various healing modalities and became a licensed spiritual practitioner and master energy healer. In her practice, she applies what she has discovered to be the most powerful complementary healing protocols, and uses them interchangeably, allowing her to work on all three levels – body, mind, and spirit – for a comprehensive result.
“As a master energy healer,” Chantal Benedict says, “I avail myself of the most effective non-invasive healing techniques to help relieve physical pain due to skeletal issues such as scoliosis, bulging disks, neck and hip aches. I employ the laws of quantum physics and subtle energy to literally change bone structure using only a light touch. The result produces a complete and noticeable alignment in as little as one to four sessions.”
Chantal also helps clients work through the mental inhibitions, fears, doubts, and illusions that are consciously and subconsciously keeping them from achieving their highest potential. She empowers people to move through their limited beliefs to achieve their desired goals, and offers viable solutions that produce transformational results. A key modality she uses in facilitating self-awareness is the John of God Crystal Healing Bed. In addition to pain relief, clients report other benefits such as releasing pent-up emotions, a deeper sense of relaxation and a complete re-energizing of the body.
Chantal Benedict is Vice President of Heaven and Earth Oasis (http://www.heavenandearthoasis.org/), a non-profit alternative healthcare organization for Veterans. (On 5 April 2015, Allayah Frisch interviewed Valerie Heath, the founder of this organization.)
A summary of Chantal Benedict’s background:
~ Licensed Spiritual Counselor, Agape International Center (Los Angeles)
~ Owner, Healing Heart Center (West Hills)
~ Minister’s License, Universal Church (Los Angeles)
~ Certified Matrix Energetic Practitioner (Levels 1, 2, 3)
~ Certified DNA Theta Healing Practitioner (Levels 1, 2)
~ Certified Reconnection Healer (Levels 1, 2)
~ Licensed Massage Therapist
~ Licensed Realtor (Mortgage Lending)
~ Membership Chairman Topanga Chamber Of Commerce

Sunday Mar 29, 2015
Grandmother’s Wisdom with Allayah Frisch
Sunday Mar 29, 2015
Sunday Mar 29, 2015
Aired Sunday, 29 March 2015, 2:00 PM ET
Allayah and listeners will interact in the circle by sharing questions and insights. This guidance and wisdom will not seek to give set-in-stone answers. Rather, drawing upon her years of intuitive and mediumship experience, Allayah will provide guided direction and insights in response to questions specific to a listener, or to questions of interest to all.
About Allayah Frisch
“I AM Allayah, higher-dimensional self, but merged and integrated with my current human self. I AM neither, and yet I AM both. I AM a Seeker of knowledge and I AM on a path of Remembering.”
Allayah Frisch’s clairvoyant and mediumship skills were evident when she entered this incarnation. Her childhood was one of seeing energies and entities not visible to others. At a very young age, she remembered her ability to heal. For a while, though, she had to shut down in order to blend in with others. In her twenties, she had a spiritual reawakening and Kundalini experience. She experienced multidimensionality and visually became aware of the Ascended Masters of the Great White Brotherhood (higher level guides and angels that spiritually guide the earth). In 1999 Allayah experienced a serious health crisis and resulting NDE (near death experience). As a result, her life took a dramatic turn spiritually. After her NDE, Allayah realized that she had not left this plane at that time because her soul had more that it wished to accomplish here on earth.
Crystal Skulls Oracle, Light Speaker, Performer, Author, and Conference Presenter Allayah Frisch is also a star-seed facilitator who works with and care-takes many ancient energy relics reclaimed for the ascension process. Drawing upon her expertise with jade, quartz crystal, and bronze artifacts, Allayah’s spiritual work incorporates these ancient energy relics, including the use of several powerful wisdom-infused crystal skulls. Thanks to her very specialized work with ancient relics, Allayah has collaborated on two books. The first, “Power Crystals – Spiritual and Magical Practices, Skulls and Alien Technology” is by Dr. John Desalvo, PhD, available at: http://goo.gl/TJSXWg. The second, “Ancient Wisdom for NOW!” is by Rev. Marilee Ann Snyder-Nieciak, and is available via Allayah’s Amazon page at: http://goo.gl/sclOIa. Allayah lives and speaks in New Jersey, U.S.A. You can read more about Allayah, and the intuitive readings and services she offers, at: www.sanctuaryofthewhitedove.com

Sunday Mar 22, 2015
Unfolding Soul Journey of Marlene Swetlishoff
Sunday Mar 22, 2015
Sunday Mar 22, 2015
Aired Sunday, 22 March 2015, 2:00 PM ET
Allayah welcomes Marlene Swetlishoff as she shares her awakening journey from light channel to expressing her IAm presence in her soul work. Marlene – a Scribe, Channel, Writer, Healer, Energy Facilitator and Activator, and Proxy for Humanity – will discuss the developments which led her to becoming a Scribe for Ascended Master Hilarion, as well as the story of how she discovered Hilarion.
About Guest Marlene Swetlishoff
Since 2008, Marlene Swetlishoff has been sharing the highly popular weekly messages from Hilarion. Hilarion is an Ascended Master who is a member of the Family of Light beyond the veil, who has chosen to stay with the planet until Earth and everyone upon the Earth is ascended into higher consciousness and a more refined way of living. These Beings of Light have been steadfastly working behind the scenes for untold ages to help raise the vibrational level of every human and the Earth. These messages from Hilarion can be found on Marlene Swetlishoff’s website (www.therainbowscribe.com). The site is visited daily by readers from more than 120 countries around the world.
Marlene Swetlishoff has been sharing Archangel Gabriel’s discourses on the qualities of love – a long term project that is being published in a book format later this year. She also offers energy sessions to those who seek to increase and strengthen their connection to their Divine Essence so they can move forward to implement their part in the Divine Plan to bring about a new Earth reality founded in peace, harmony and abundance for all. You can discover more about this work at another of Marlene Swetlishoff’s websites: www.movingintoluminosity.com
Marlene has also been a lifetime student of the arcane mysteries and has been a member of Astara, A Place of Light, a modern-dayMystery School, since 1968. Each of the Ascended Masters who founded Astara – Kuthumi, Rama and Zoser – has guided her footsteps throughout her spiritual journey. Marlene Swetlishoff receives messages from the Realms of Light through telepathic transmission. She has also recently discovered an ability to communicate with Crystal Skulls, crystalline beings and stones, and also the tree family. These beings ‘speak’ to her when she least expects it!
Bryan DeFlores, a multidimensional artist and the creative visionary who inspired the Atlantis Gallery (www.bryandeflores.com), describes Marlene Swetlishoff thus:
“Marlene is a Divine Luminary, Angelic Ambassador and Messenger of Hope whose work is divinely designed to awaken, uplift and shift the consciousness of humanity into the new age of Light. More specifically, her primary task is to open the multi-dimensional chambers within the hearts of many people, allowing them to feel the divine presence of Spirit within their body, mind and soul.
As an Angelic writer and researcher, Marlene brings forth many channeled messages from the higher dimensions of Light, AngelicKingdoms and Ascended Master realms to awaken and inspire humanity.
As a Messenger of Hope and Divine Luminary, Marlene brings her unique healing gifts of divine love and inspired interpretation to the masses in many ways. Marlene’s focus is on heart awakening and spiritual activation of humanity and helping others to find their divine purpose as a soul. Her work assists one to feel divine love and to experience the presence and touch of the Angels and Masters in their everyday life. Her offerings both rekindle faith in Spirit and bring a new sense of peace, support and empowerment to all those who cross her path.”
Further information about Marlene Swetlishoff, and some intriguing photos, may be found at:

Sunday Mar 15, 2015
Crystal Skulls with Nicholas Pearson
Sunday Mar 15, 2015
Sunday Mar 15, 2015
Aired Sunday, 15 March 2015, 2:00 PM ET
Allayah welcomes Nicholas Pearson. His work with the mineral kingdom – in its archetypal roles as facilitators of evolution and spiritual growth – will serve as the basis from which Allayah and Nicholas will delve into the mysteries of crystal skulls carved in the remote Himalayan mountains. They will also explore the cultural and shamanic traditions of jade around the globe, as well as Nicholas’s own personal experience with jade. Allayah will investigate such questions as: what inspired Nicholas to apply the science of the mineral kingdom to his spiritual outlook on working with crystals; how did the idea of “crystal archetypes” develop; and how did Nicholas begin working with crystal skulls. These questions and more will be covered!
About Guest Nicholas Pearson
Nicholas Pearson is author of the upcoming book Crystal Teachings: The Mystery Teachings of the Mineral Kingdom. He has devoted twenty years to his work with rocks and minerals, and weaves together the fields of mineral science with spirituality and healing in the art of ethnogeology. Nicholas strives to bridge the human and mineral kingdoms by studying the relationships between the two. His experience in the field includes work as docent and collections specialist of a mineral and earth-science museum, as well as working hands-on with crystals for healing. He teaches innovative workshops that enable participants to understand what the mineral kingdom offers from all aspects.
Nicholas is the caretaker of two ancient crystals skulls, one from Nepal and one from Mongolia. His research and study with the skulls has afforded the opportunity to study several notable skulls up-close, as well as collaborating with many other members of the community. Nicholas unites spirit and science together to better examine the function and purpose fulfilled by the crystal skulls.
The forthcoming title on crystals encompasses a broad range of applications of the mineral kingdom. The target of this work is to deepen the understanding of spiritual work with crystals and gemstones by examining the stones at the archetypal level. Each chapter is dedicated to a comprehensive study of a gemstone revered universally throughout human history, and the history, science, and lore of each stone is combined in a unique perspective on co-creating with crystals. Rather than providing information in a context of which stone heals which ailment, Crystal Teachings seeks to empower the reader to become acquainted with crystals on more than just a cursory level. The allure of gemstones and crystals has pervaded the entirety of human history, and science is only now unlocking the secrets of how crystals can have their effects upon us. In light of this, Nicholas has spent a significant amount of time studying neolithic jades from Asia, as well as jade from other cultures, both modern and ancient. The allure of this heavenly gemstone is thoroughly detailed in his book, as are several other noteworthy gemstones.
In addition to working with gemstones, Nicholas is a Reiki master/teacher. He has studied in North America and in Japan, and his focus is on the return to the roots of Reiki. Nicholas strives to inspire students to engage the five principles of Reiki as tools for navigating through life. Currently he resides and practices in Central Florida with his partner, and he is available for workshops worldwide. You can discover more about Nicholas, his work, and his upcoming book on his “Mustang: Himalayan Crystal Skull” Facebook page at: http://goo.gl/slTFAm

Monday Mar 09, 2015
Emerging from Shadows with Charlie Bergeron
Monday Mar 09, 2015
Monday Mar 09, 2015
Aired Sunday, 8 March 2015, 2:00 PM ET
Allayah welcomes Charlie ‘Riverman’ Bergeron, a self-described Earthangel and a Near Death Experiencer, an event which changed the course of his life. Allayah and Charlie will share their common NDE backgrounds in addressing such questions as: When you have experienced death – and returned – how do you return to this dimension and forget? When do you finally begin to pull off the false labels attached to you, detach from the distorted programming and teachings previously received, and assist others in becoming comfortable with their true abilities and power? Is it possible to live in your highest expression of Divine Self while staying in balance with the world around you, a world on the edge of self-destruction? How does one work through and release the rollercoaster emotions and fears that arise on the journey of becoming authentic, healing them and integrating the I Am presence? These questions and more will form the basis of an intriguing conversation.
About Guest Charlie Bergeron
From early childhood, Charlie ‘Riverman’ Bergeron was aware of Spirit Energy, a facet of himself which dismayed others in his tribe. In order to survive, he adopted earthly human programming, and “created many different egos” in which he “could play the games that the programming required”, some of which are still required for functioning in the physical world. After a motorcycle accident in 1991 resulted in death – or, more commonly, a ‘Near Death Experience’ (NDE) – however, Charlie was returned to the light, to Source, and thus experienced a realignment.
The NDE initiated a dramatic transformation, which was not in accord with anything he had ever previously imagined, and which opened a world of unlimited possibilities. His journey from rewiring his brain, to being able to function rationally, and his open connection to what might be loosely called ‘Other Dimensions of Existence’, has been, he exclaims, “beyond even my own belief… I receive information and guidance which is beyond my former abilities, in order to share with others as they open their hearts and begin to see life differently.”
As a Spiritual Recovery Facilitator, using the energies of Usui Reiki and New Paradigm Multidimensional Transformation (formerly called Shamballa Multidimensional Healing), Charlie ‘Riverman’ Bergeron says, “Our ability to reclaim our Spirit and transform the physical manifestation of who we think we are is unlimited. However, we need to reach a point of where Love vs. Fear is only an opposition of energy. We can then know that Fear is always a backdrop unless we choose to focus on it.”
Charlie’s practice includes work as: Spiritual Recovery Facilitator; A Course In Miracles Facilitator; Usui Reiki Master/Teacher; NPDT Master and 13 D Healer; 9 Rites of Munay-Ki (Earthkeeper); Near Death Experiencer; EarthAngel; LightWorker; Crystal Skull Guardian; Published Poet & Photographer; and Custom Woodworker.
You can find out more about Charlie ‘Riverman’ Bergeron, and see some of his work, at the following websites:
LinkedIn – https://www.linkedin.com/in/charlierivermanbergeron
Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/Charlie.Riverman.Bergeron
Reflections of Riverman Blog – https://charlierivermanbergeron.wordpress.com/
Flickr Photography – https://www.flickr.com/photos/charlie-riverman/
You can listen to previous Circle of Hearts interviews with Allayah at:
yourlisten – http://yourlisten.com/charlie.riverman.bergeron

Sunday Mar 01, 2015
The Timeless Skulls Story with Liz Hamilton
Sunday Mar 01, 2015
Sunday Mar 01, 2015
Aired Sunday, 1 March 2015, 2:00 PM ET
Allayah welcomes Liz Hamilton, and her husband Patrick McDonald – healers, intuitives, channels, and caretakers of a large collection of crystal skulls. In the show, Allayah and Liz (with Patrick) will introduce what crystal skulls actually are, as well as the significance of carving crystal into the shape of skulls – a shape considered to be a sacred vessel. Acting as a focal lens in meditation, crystal skulls are instrumental in helping one to connect to one’s own higher self, as well as in accessing a higher collective cosmic consciousness. Allayah, Liz, and Patrick will discuss these concepts, as well as focusing on eight very special stone relics from the remote Himalayan Mountain region of Western Tibet.
About Guest Liz Hamilton
Liz Hamilton was born in Massachusetts, USA, and came to Sydney, Australia in 1975 and married her husband Patrick McDonald. She worked for over 35 years in the field of teaching creative cultural lessons in the arts to teenagers with intellectual disabilities.
Patrick McDonald was born in Maine, USA, and, after traveling extensively through Europe and India, came to live in Sydney, Australia in the beginning of 1973. There he met his wife, Liz, while they were working together in the field of helping those with intellectual disabilities. Patrick has a background in teaching, healing, spiritual philosophy, English literature and poetry. He specializes in intuitive thinking as a spiritual path.
In 2010 Liz Hamilton and Patrick McDonald moved to the beautiful Blue Mountains in Leura, New South Wales (Australia) to open a healing centre out of their home. The centre is named ALASENMAT, which means ‘Walk around with Light’. Liz has a deep love and experience of nature, crystals, angels, and sound. Liz developed her own healing modality which she named ‘Cosmic Radiance’, bringing harmonic balance through crystal, sound and energy healing. Meditation classes and workshops are offered by Liz Hamilton on a wide range of spiritual topics.
In 2012 Liz published a book titled Collective Cosmic Consciousness of the Crystal Skulls: Experiences of the Mystery of Initiation, which chronicles her journey of exploration into the fascinating phenomenon of crystal skulls. Liz is a custodian of a rare collection of over 144 crystal skulls ranging from exquisite quartz and different mineral skulls from Brazil and Nepal, eight ancient stone skulls from Western Tibet c. 500 BC, three old Tibetan Dorje Buddhist Temple crystal skulls, a Peruvian shamanic quartz skull, eight old jade chi skulls and jade skeleton, and two old calcite skulls said to be from the Gobi region in Mongolia.
In 2015 Liz Hamilton will be publishing a new book, The Regent Speaks; Timeless Wisdom from Ancient Tibet. The Regent is the name of a very large stone starbeing-shaped skull from the remote areas of Western Tibet in the Himalayan Mountain range. It was used by a spiritual community of holy people around 500 BC. The high universal consciousness of The Regent – which was focused through the stone skull – inspired a particular holy man. This consciousness is now channelled through Patrick McDonald. The Regent is known as a “Wisdom Skull” and is a catalyst for spiritual consciousness.
You can find out much more about Liz Hamilton, Patrick McDonald, and their work at: www.alasenmat.com and https://www.facebook.com/liz.hamilton.984
The book Collective Cosmic Consciousness of the Crystal Skulls: Experiences of the Mystery of Initiation is available for sale at the ALASENMAT website.

Sunday Feb 22, 2015
Grandmother’s Wisdom with Allayah Frisch
Sunday Feb 22, 2015
Sunday Feb 22, 2015
Aired Sunday, 22 February 2015, 2:00 PM ET
Allayah and listeners will interact in the circle by sharing questions and insights. This guidance and wisdom will not seek to give set-in-stone answers. Rather, drawing upon her years of intuitive and mediumship experience, Allayah will provide guided direction and insights in response to questions specific to a listener, or to questions of interest to all.
About Allayah Frisch
“I AM Allayah, higher-dimensional self, but merged and integrated with my current human self. I AM neither, and yet I AM both. I AM a Seeker of knowledge and I AM on a path of Remembering.”
Allayah Frisch’s clairvoyant and mediumship skills were evident when she entered this incarnation. Her childhood was one of seeing energies and entities not visible to others. At a very young age, she remembered her ability to heal. For a while, though, she had to shut down in order to blend in with others. In her twenties, she had a spiritual reawakening and Kundalini experience. She experienced multidimensionality and visually became aware of the Ascended Masters of the Great White Brotherhood (higher level guides and angels that spiritually guide the earth). In 1999 Allayah experienced a serious health crisis and resulting NDE (near death experience). As a result, her life took a dramatic turn spiritually. After her NDE, Allayah realized that she had not left this plane at that time because her soul had more that it wished to accomplish here on earth.
Crystal Skulls Oracle, Light Speaker, Performer, Author, and Conference Presenter Allayah Frisch is also a star-seed facilitator who works with and care-takes many ancient energy relics reclaimed for the ascension process. Drawing upon her expertise with jade, quartz crystal, and bronze artifacts, Allayah’s spiritual work incorporates these ancient energy relics, including the use of several powerful wisdom-infused crystal skulls. Thanks to her very specialized work with ancient relics, Allayah has collaborated on two books. The first, “Power Crystals – Spiritual and Magical Practices, Skulls and Alien Technology” is by Dr. John Desalvo, PhD, available at: http://goo.gl/TJSXWg . The second, “Ancient Wisdom for NOW!” is by Rev. Marilee Ann Snyder-Nieciak, available at: http://goo.gl/kX9aat. Allayah lives and speaks in New Jersey, U.S.A. You can read more about Allayah, and the readings and services she offers, at: www.sanctuaryofthewhitedove.com

Sunday Feb 15, 2015
Divine Mother’s Energy NOW with Nancy Oakes
Sunday Feb 15, 2015
Sunday Feb 15, 2015
Aired Sunday, 15 February 2015, 2:00 PM ET
Allayah welcomes Nancy Oakes to discuss the effect of the Divine Mother’s energy descending into the NOW. Nancy is passionate about the return of the sacred feminine energy and the power it brings to women and to those oppressed by the old paradigms of the patriarchal religions. With Allayah, she will discuss her belief in the sanctity of the “Third Gender”. Further conversation will explore the energy of the Great Mothers returning as healing for all oppressed people.
About Guest Nancy Oakes
Nancy Oakes is the Founder and CEO of the Spiritual Life Style Wellness Center in Texas. As well, she is the author of Love to the Light, The Ancestors Led Us!,and A Spiritual Guide To Living In The “Fifth World” as a featured columnist for OM Times Magazine (http://omtimes.com/ and http://omtimes.com/our-team/our-team-3/nancy-oakes/). Nancy provides life coaching for healthy living, based on Remembering Who You Are, and Reconnecting – A Life Free of Addiction.
Besides her life coaching activities, Nancy lectures on our reconnection to the Goddess – “CREATRESS”, Sophia, Wisdom, for personal empowerment, and believes that now, as the Great Mother returns, humanity’s hearts will be filled with love. She believes we are living in the “Fifth World”, a time of great peace and love based on many indigenous elders’ prophesies, and that this new level of higher consciousness for humanity signifies that we have arrived in the new era. Thus with love, Nancy believes, the new thriving communities will include women and the Third Gender and, therefore, millions of people will be added to our society, where in the past they were rejected, often oppressed, and even murdered. As an ally for the LGTB community, Nancy also serves as an activist towards the healing of the “Sacred Third Gender”.
You can read more about Nancy, her work, and the Spiritual Life Style Wellness Center by visiting her website at: http://lovetothelight.weebly.com/. Nancy’s new book Return of Sophia, Mother of the Universe: Ushering In A Renewal of Sacred Gifts is available on Amazon at: http://goo.gl/RyCzlZ

Sunday Feb 08, 2015
Spiritual Transformation with Judy Guadalupe
Sunday Feb 08, 2015
Sunday Feb 08, 2015
Aired Sunday, 8 February 2015, 2:00 PM ET
Allayah welcomes Judy Guadalupe, a spontaneous light language channel. In the show, Allayah and Judy will talk about spiritual transformation in the Now, as well as what comes through Judy from source in an impromptu way. They will discuss the concept of “Goddance” and how we can dance beyond dogma. As well, Judy will explain what light language is and how she came to speak it, how it might serve us in our evolution, and how our light bodies can help us to integrate during these transformative times. With the approach of Valentine’s Day and with love in focus, Judy will share with Allayah some of the inspiration of the power of love on the planet today. Finally, how do we let go of destructive emotions and belief systems as we shift awareness and consciousness to include higher dimensions?
About Guest Judy Guadalupe
As a conduit for spiritual awakening, Judy Guadalupe wears many hats – intuitive and sound healing facilitator, published author, sacred parenting coach, inspirational speaker, poet, entertainer of the soul, new paradigm addiction care, conference presenter, and a universal translator of light language, the language of soul.
Judy Guadalupe is certified as a Transformational Breath facilitator, as an addictions counselor, and as a yoga instructor. She has received additional formal training in medical intuition, sound healing, sacred parenting, and awakening coaching, and offers in-person or remote sessions. In the public spectrum, Judy facilitates Awakening Women’s Intensives, Retreats, and new paradigm care for those dealing with addiction (and their family members) both in Northern California and online. Judy has presented her expertise at multiple venues, including the Spiritual Life Center, Ancient Future, and Children of the New Earth Conference (in USA and Canada). Her holistic health studies have been undertaken with leaders such as Carol Ritberger, Siri Gian Singh Khalsa, and Judith Kravitz.
Judy Guadalupe’s work has also appeared in various publications including Pebbles in the Pond: Transforming the World One Person at a Time (Christine Kloser, 2012). You can discover more about the book here: http://pebblesinthepondbook.com/ and http://goo.gl/nUShf2. As well, Judy has published two books of original poems: The Gems of Relationship: Golden Age Insights for Families (Judy Guadalupe, 2007); and Freeing Our Goddance, Poems and Meanderings for Heart & Soul (Create Space, 2013), available here: https://www.createspace.com/4368484 and http://goo.gl/gY4f5T. Judy is now working on her first full non-fiction book, The Goddance, Dancing Beyond Dogma.
You can read more about Judy (including her expertise in women’s awakening, global awakening, light languages, intuitive/sound healing, spiritual transformation, sacred parenting, and addiction recovery) at her website: http://www.judyguadalupe.com/