
4 hours ago
4 hours ago
Air Date - 11 February 2025
Have you ever had moments where you just know something but can’t explain how? Or maybe you sense, see, or hear things others don’t? You’re not imagining it, and you’re definitely not crazy.
For this second conversation, I’m bringing in a special guest—Dr. Anthony Mattis! With decades of experience in chiropractic care, holistic health, and energy work, Anthony has helped thousands break free from self-doubt, trauma, and limitations. Through his work with Access Consciousness®, he empowers people to trust what they know and live with greater ease.
We’ll be talking about:
- How to stop second-guessing your awareness
- What’s actually happening when you perceive energy
- Tools to navigate the world when you feel “too sensitive”
- Embracing your gifts instead of questioning them
Plus, we’ll take questions and open up space for you to explore what’s real for you. 🌟
Join us, and let’s keep peeling back the layers of what’s possible when you stop making yourself wrong and start trusting what you know. 💖✨
Want to learn more about Dr. Anthony Mattis? Check him out here: http://www.dranthonymattis.com
#AnthonyMattis #YouAreNotCrazy #TrustYourAwareness #AscendingWithVenus #EnergyWork #AccessConsciousness
#Crazy #VenusCastleberg #AscendingWithVenusCastleberg #Ascending #Ascension #SpiritualAwakening #PsychicDevelopment #Empowerment #Awareness
Visit the Ascending with Venus Castleberg show page at https://omtimes.com/iom/shows/ascending-with-venus-castleberg/
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5 hours ago
5 hours ago
Air Date - 11 February 2025
In this heartfelt episode, we explore the unique challenges faced by women who overcommit themselves while silently carrying the weight of grief in their hearts. Together, we delve into the emotional toll of always putting others first, the importance of honoring your healing journey, and actionable steps to reclaim the joy that may feel out of reach.
About the Guest:
Mindfully integrating three decades of nursing experience, Dawn Michele Jackson combines her insight with her expertise as an Advanced Grief Recovery Method Specialist and Infinite Possibilities Trainer to help women heal their hearts, transform their lives, and rediscover joy.
During her nursing career, caring for children, veterans, trauma, and surgical patients, Dawn discovered the intricate connection between the mind and body.
Her personal journey of healing led to her heartfelt mission to help others illuminate their inner light and transition from surviving to thriving. With a compassionate and empathic approach, she expertly guides her clients to attain mind, body, and spirit wellness. Learn more about Dawn’s supportive offerings here https://www.dawnmichelejackson.com/work-with-me
Dawn is the bestselling author of Journey to Peace and Healing and Journey to Self Discovery: 100 Days of Soulful Reflections and a contributing coauthor to multiple bestselling anthologies.
Learn more at https://www.dawnmichelejackson.com.
Social Media:
Website: https://www.dawnmichelejackson.com/
Facebook Fan/Biz: https://www.facebook.com/dawnmichelejackson
Facebook Personal: https://www.facebook.com/dawn.jackson.526
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5 days ago
The Balance
5 days ago
5 days ago
Air Date - 07 February 2025
Trenayce will open with the “The Internal Light Meditation” and then continue our deep discussion on the Sacred Egyptian Tarot by examining Card #8 of the Major Arcana. This is “The Balance,” also known as “The Strength” card in our modern-day Tarot. Find out what power and significance is held within this Archetype.
Tune in to find out how this information can help you Navigate Your Awakening!
#TheBalance #TheStrength #SacredEgyptianTarot #Tarot #EarthAstrology #TrenayceTalbert #NavigatingTheAwakening #Awakening #Transformation #SelfEmpowerment #Consciousness #Healing
Visit the Navigating the Awakening Show Page https://omtimes.com/iom/shows/navigating-the-awakening
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6 days ago
6 days ago
Air Date - 06 February 2025
Jill Bolte Taylor is a renowned neuroanatomist, author of the groundbreaking bestseller My Stroke of Insight: A Brain Scientist’s Personal Journey, and speaker whose Ted Talk on her experience has had over 30 million views. Jill joins Sandie this week for a fascinating exploration of the ten books that shaped her life and work. From childhood inspirations to profound insights on consciousness and personality, Jill reflects on the power of literature and its role in her extraordinary recovery from a stroke that left her unable to read. She delves into the brain’s hemispheres, the process of rebuilding her cognitive abilities, and the concept of whole-brain living—a transformative approach to self-awareness and personal growth. Through her journey, creative pursuits, and the mission of her non-profit foundation, Jill offers a compelling perspective on resilience, learning, and the boundless potential of the human mind.
#JillBolteTaylor #SandieSedgbeer #NoBSSpiritualBookClub #Books #Interviews #Spirituality #Consciousness #PersonalGrowth
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6 days ago
6 days ago
Air Date - 06 February 2025
Born into a traditional Roman Catholic military family where discussions of UFOs and aliens were unthinkable, Debbie Solaris' life took an extraordinary turn when she awakened to her true cosmic lineage. Now an interdimensional traveler, galactic historian, and ascension coach, she's become a beacon for those seeking to uncover their cosmic origins, reconnect with their star lineages., rediscover their souls' gifts and missions, and embrace their inner light and divine selves.
#DebbieSolaris #SandieSedgbeer #WhatIsGoingOM #Interviews
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7 days ago
7 days ago
Air Date - 05 February 2025
Does modern American fiction portray ghosts in a new light with continued consciousness and new approaches to spirituality? My guest this week on Destination Unlimited, medium, scholar, and author Dr. Karen Frances McCarthy, joins me to share her doctoral dissertation, The Re-enchanted Ghost: Spectral Literature in 21st-century America. Dr. McCarthy is a respected medium with a deep interest in the intersections of literature, spirituality, and culture. Her books include The Other Irish, which was adopted by the Irish government’s Anti-Sectarian and Reconciliation initiative as a cultural outreach project, and Till Death Don’t Us Part, which explores existential questions and awakening to the concept of continued consciousness in the aftermath of her fiancé’s death. A former journalist and war correspondent, she has become an accomplished scholar whose writing often touches on themes of spirituality and re-enchantment and encourages readers to engage deeply with questions of empathy, meaning, human connection, and the implications of continued consciousness.
Her website is http://karenfrancesmccarthy.com, and she joins me to share her path.
#KarenFrancesMcCarthy #VictorFuhrman #DestinationUnlimited #Interviews #Paranormal
Connect with Victor Fuhrman at https://victorthevoice.com/
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7 days ago
Corey Lyon Folsom
7 days ago
7 days ago
Air Date - 05 February 2025
Corey Lyon Folsom has been a professional tracker, Aboriginal skills instructor, wilderness guide for newly sober people, and a vision quest leader. After a spiritual soul-awakening, Corey participated in Ipsalu, Source School of Tantra Yoga, Love Coach Academy, and Tony Robbins programs.
As a certified NLP practitioner and love & relationship coach, he assists people from all over the world to increase the soulfulness, clarity, and ease with which they experience life. Corey is passionate about helping people expand their empathy and communication skills.
Corey’s book, Soul Statements: A Love Coach’s Guide to Successful Communication, is a guide for increasing inner clarity and for better communication. It offers simple methods for making small shifts that produce outsized benefits in love and life. Along the way, readers will be inspired and engaged with stories from his wilderness experiences and real-life examples of people who’ve used Soul Statements to increase personal fulfillment. Soul Statements has been awarded “Best Communication Book of the Year” by Best Holistic Life Magazine.
For more, visit: https://corerelationship.com/
#CoreyLyonFolsom #PostcardsToTheUniverse #MelisaCaprio #Manifesting #Abundance #Channeling #Metaphysics #Interviews
Visit the Postcards to the Universe Show Page at https://omtimes.com/iom/shows/postcards-to-the-universe
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7 days ago
7 days ago
Air Date - 05 February 2025
Karen Gruber had an extraordinarily successful real estate career but felt she had far more to give women to help them succeed. She opened a coaching practice, but what she found shocked and angered her. The women carried the weight of their worlds on their shoulders, bound by invisible chains that dimmed their light and trapped them into financial dependency. They had callings but didn’t know how to create a thriving business from their passions or were held back by a lack of confidence. She created the Spiritual Client Code, a groundbreaking messaging methodology that revolutionizes the way spiritual entrepreneurs communicate, helping them clearly articulate the benefits of their services to prospective clients. She gave them practical steps and tools to catapult their dreams into a successful business. She has transformed the lives of hundreds of women spiritual entrepreneurs and redefined the landscape of spiritual entrepreneurship, proving that it’s possible to achieve financial prosperity without sacrificing spiritual fulfillment—no matter what came before!
#KarenGruber #RoyceMorales #PerfectLifeAwakening #Empowerment #Spirituality #Consciousness #PersonalGrowth #Transformation
Connect with Royce Morales at https://www.roycemorales.com/
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7 days ago
How Do You Know You’re Not Crazy?
7 days ago
7 days ago
Air Date - 04 February 2025
Have you ever questioned your own sanity when experiencing spiritual awakenings, heightened intuition, or unexplainable synchronicities? In this episode of Ascending, we’re diving into the fine line between spiritual expansion and self-doubt. How do you know you’re not just imagining things? What if the ‘crazy’ feelings are actually signs of deep transformation?
Join me as we explore what it means to trust your gifts, recognize the difference between intuition and fear, and embrace your spiritual journey without second-guessing yourself. You’re not alone and definitely not crazy—so let’s talk about it.
Stay tuned for special guests this month who will share their own experiences, insights, and wisdom on navigating the unknown!
#Crazy #VenusCastleberg #AscendingWithVenusCastleberg #Ascending #Ascension #SpiritualAwakening #PsychicDevelopment #Empowerment #Awareness
Visit the Ascending with Venus Castleberg show page at https://omtimes.com/iom/shows/ascending-with-venus-castleberg/
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Tuesday Feb 04, 2025
Connecting with Your Angels & Archangels with Robin Fitzsimons
Tuesday Feb 04, 2025
Tuesday Feb 04, 2025
Air Date - 04 February 2025
You are always divinely supported. Intuitive Spiritual Teacher Robin Fitzsimons shares how the angels and Archangels may be communicating with you and how to listen and trust the signs. You’ll also learn how they can support your healing and transformation when you invite them to be a part of your Divine Support team.
About the Guest:
Intuitive Spiritual Teacher, Healer, and Holistic Life Coach Robin Fitzsimons consciously blends her treasure trove of healing modalities, including Usui Reiki, Akashic records, Archangels, Silent Counseling, and others to intuitively and compassionately support the divine wellness of her client’s body, mind, and spirit.
Through her popular online classes, courses, and private sessions, she brings women deeper into the truth of who they are in a safe container. She offers services like Reiki, Angel Readings, Past Life Healing, Soul Recovery, and Silent Counseling, along with teaching classes both in person and online. She is also the founder of Robin’s Center for Wellness in Platteville, WI, where she offers in-person sessions. Learn more at www.wellnesswithrobin.com/
Social Media:
Website: https://wellnesswithrobin.com/
Facebook Fan/Biz: https://www.facebook.com/wellnessrobin
Facebook Personal: https://www.facebook.com/robin.millikenfitzsimons
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wellnesswithrobin
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@wellnesswithrobin
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